Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I X . "r nor intended for the maintenance of any fuperflition in the choice of " meats, but are grounded meerly upon politic confederations; for pro- °' vifion of things tending to the better preférvation of the common- " wealth." 5i. We muff not fall with this perfwafion of mind, that our failing can bring us to heaven, or afcribeoutward holinefs to the work wrought ; for God alloweth not our fail for the work's fake (which of itfelf is a thing meerly indifferent) but chiefly refpeEteth the heart, how it isaffeét- ed therein; it is therefore requifite, that firfl before all things we cleanfe our hearts from fin, and then direht our fart to fuch ends as God will al- low to be good ; that the fleih may thereby be chaftifed, the fpirit may be more fervent in prayer, and that our failing may be a teftimony of our humble fubmiflion to God's majefly, when we acknowledge our;fans unto him, and are inwardly touched with forrowfulnefs of heart, bewail- ing the fame in the afíiiEtion of our bodies. 52. All worship deviled by man's fantafy, befides or contrary to the fcriptures (as wandring on pilgrimages, fetting up of candles, Rations, and jubiles, pharifaical fells, and fained religions, praying upon beades, . and filch like fuperftition) hath not only no promife of reward in fcrip- tore, but contrariwife threatnings and malediEtions; 53 All manner of exprefíing God the Father, the Son, and the Ho- ly Ghofl, in an outward form, is utterly unlawful; as alto all other ima- ges deviled or made by man to the ufe of religion. 54 All religious worship ought to be given to God alone, from whom all goodnefs health -and grace, ought to be both -afked and . and looked for, as from the very author and giver of the fame, and from noneother. 55. The name of God is to be ¡fed with all reverence and holy ref-- peEt, and therefore all vain and rafh fwearing is utterly to be condemned ;. yet notwithflanding upon lawful occafions. an oath may be given . and taken, according to the word of God, jujlice, judgment and truth. 56. The heft day of the week, which is the .Lord's day, is wholly to be dedicated to the fervice of God, and therefore we are bound therein . to red from our common and daily bufanels, and to below that leifure upon holy exereifes, both publicand private. Of the civil magi/lrate. 57, H E king's majefly under God bath the fovereign and thief power, within his realms and dominions, over all manner .of patens, of what elate, either ecclefiaflical or civil, foever they be, fo. 835