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836 A P P E N D I X . fo as no other foreign power hath or ought to have'any fuperiority over them. 58. We do profefs, that the fupreme government of all eftates within the Paid realms and dominions, in all caufes, as well ecclefiaflical as tem- poral, doth of right appertain to the king's highnefs. Neither do we give unto him hereby the adminiftration of the word and facraments, or the power of the keys, but that prerogative only which we fee to have been always given unto all godly princes in holy fcripture by God himfelf ; that is, that he (hould contain all eftates and degrees committed to his charge by God, whether they be ecclefraflical or civil, within their duty, and reftrain the Hubborn and evil-doers with the power of the civil (word. 59. The pope neither of himfelf, nor by any authority of the church or Ice of Rome, or by any other means with any other, bath any power or authority to depofe the king, or difpofe any of his kingdoms or dominions, or to authorize any other prince to invade or annoy him, or his countries, or to difcharge any of his fubjeEts of their allegiance and obedience to his majefty, or to give licenfe or leave to any of them to bear arms, raife tumult, or to offer any violence or hurt to his royal perfon, Hate or government, or to any of his fubjefts within his majef. ty's dominions. 6o. That princes which be excommunicated or deprived by the pope may be depofed or murdered by their fubjeéts, or any other whatfoever, is impious doctrine. 61. The laws of the realmmay punifh chriftian men with death for heinous and grievous offences. 62. It is lawful for chriftian men, at the commandment of the ma- giflrate, to bear arms, and to ferve in juft wars. Of our duty towards our neighbours- 63. ®U R duty towards our neighbours, is to love them as our- felves, and to do to all men as we would they fhould do to us ; to honour and obey our fuperiors, to preferve the fafety of men's perlons, as allo their chaftity, goods and good names ; to bear no malice nor hatred in our hearts ; to keep our bodies in temperance, fo- bernefs and and chaftity; to be true and juft in all our doings; not to covet other men's goods, but labour truly to get our own living, and to do our duty in that eftate of life unto which it pleafeth God to call us. 64. For