Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

P P E -N D I X. 64. For the prefervation of the chaftity of men's perlons, wedlock is commanded unto all men that Rand in need thereof. Neither is there any prohibition by the word of God, but that the minifters of the church may enter into the (late of matrimony, they being no where commanded by God's law, either to vow the Elate of fingle life, or to abflain from marriage ; therefore it is lawful alto for them, as well as for all other chriflian men, to marry at their own difcretion, as they (hall judge the fame to ferve better to godlinefs. 65. The riches and goods of chriflians are not common, as touching the right, title, and poffeffion of the fame, as certain anabaptifis falfly affirm; notwithftandingevery man ought of fuch things as he poffefí eth, liberally to give alms to the poor, according to his ability. 66. Faith given is to be kept, even with hereticks and infi- dels. 67. The popith doärine of equivocation and mental refervation is moll ungodly, and tendeth plainly to the fubverfion of all human fo- ciety. Of the church, and outward miniflry of the gofpel. 68. HE R E is but one catholick church (out of which there is no falvation) containing the univerfal company of all the" faints that ever were, are, or (hall be, gathered together in one body under one head, Chrift Jefes; part whereof is already in heaven tri- umphant, part as yet militant here upon earth. And hecaufe thischurch. confi{teth of all thole, and thole alone, which are elected by God unto, falvation, and regenerated by the power of his fpirit, the number of whom is known only unto God himfelf,, therefore it is called the ca- tholick or univerfal, and the invì .Able church. 69. But particular and viable churches (conffting of thole who make profeffion o the faith of Chrifte and live under the outward means of falvation) he many in number; wherein, the more or lefs fincerely, ac- cording to Chrift's inftitution, the wordof God is taught, the facraments' are adminiflered;, and the authority of the keys is ufed, the more or lefs, pure are fuch churches to be accounted. 7o. Although in the vifible church the evil be ever mingled with the and fometimes the evil have chief authority in the miniftration: of the word and facranaents, yet for as much as they do. not the fame in their own name, but in Chrift's, and minifter by his commiflion and authority, we may ufe their miniftry both in hearing the word, and in' receiving the facraments. Neither is 'he effeEt of Chrilt's ordinance ta- ken away by their wickednefs,, nor the grace or God's gifts diminifhed òßo &. L 5 , P frouaa 837