Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

838 A P P E N D I X . from fuck, as by faith, do rightly receive the facraments miniftered unto them, which are effeItual, becaufe of Chrift's inftitutión and pro- mife, although they be miniftered by evil men. Neverthelefs it apper-. taineth to thedifcipline of the church, that inquiry be made of evil mi- nifters, and that they be accufed by thofe that have knowledge of their offences, and finally being found guilty, by juft judgment, be de- poled. 71. It is not lawful for any man to take upon him the office of pub- lic preaching, or minifiring the facraments of the church, unlefs he be firft lawfully called, and fent to execute the fame. And thofe- we ought to judge lawfully called and fent, which be chofen and called to this work by men, whohave public authority given them in the church, to call and fend miniflers into the Lord's vineyard. 72. To have public prayer in the church, or to adminifter the facra- ments in a tongue not underftood of the people, is a thing plainly repugnant to the word of God and the cuftom of the primitive church. 73. That perfon which by public denunciation of the church, is right- ly cut of from the unity of the church, and excommunicate, ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faithful as a heathen and publican, until by repentance he be openly reconciled and received in- to the church, by the judgment of Inch as have authority in that be- half. 74. God hash given power to his minifters not limply to forgive fins, (which prerogative he hath referved only to himfelf) but in his name to declare and pronounce unto fuch as truly repent, and unfeignedly be- lieve his holy gofpel, the abfolution and forgivenefs of fins. Neither is it God's pleafure, that his people fhould be tied to make a particular con- feffion of all their known fins unto any mortal man ; howfoever, any perfon grieved in his confcience upon any fpecial caufe, may well retort unto any godly and learned minifter, to receive advice and comfort at his bands. _ Of the authority of the church, general councils, and bop of Rome. 75 T is not lawful for the church to ordain any thing that is con- I trary to God's word ; neither may it fo expound one place of fcripture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the church be a witnefs, and a keeper of holy writ, yet as it-ought not to decree any thing againft the fame, fo befides the fame ought it not to enforce any thing to be believed upon necefiïty of falvation. 76. General