Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D` I' X. 76. General councils may not be gathered together without the coin- mandment and will of princes; and when they be gathered together (for as much as they be an affembly of men not always governed with the fpi-. rit and word of God) they may err, and fometimeshave erred, even in . things pertaining to the rule of piety ; wherefore things ordained by them as ncceffary to falvation, have neither ftrengthnor authority, unlefs it may be (hewed that they be taken out of the holy fcriptures.. 77. -Every particular church bath authority to inftitute, to change, and clean to put away ceremonies and other ecclefraftical rites, as they be fuperflnous, or beabufed, and to conftitute other, making more to feem- linefs, to order, or edification. 78. As the churches of 7erufalem, Alexandria and Antioch have er red, fo alto the church of Rome hath erred, not only inthofe things which concern mattersof practice and point of ceremonies, but alto in matters of faith. 79. The power which the bifhop of Rome now challengeth, to be the fupreme head of the univerfal church of Chrift, and to be above all em- perors, kings;. and princes, is an ufurped power, contrary to the fcriptures and word of God, and contrary to the example of the primitivechurch, . and therefore is for moft juft caufes taken away and. abolifhed, within the king's majefty's" realms and dominions.. 80. The bifhop of Rome is fo far from being the fupreme head of the univerfal church of Chrift, that his works and doctrine do plainlydifco ver him to be that man of fin foretold in the holy fcriptures, whom the Lord(hall consume with the fpirit of his mouth, and abolifh with the brightnefr of his coming. Of the flate of the old and new tellament,. Si. T N the old teftament the commandments of the law were more' largely, and the promifes of Chrift more fparingly and darkly' propounded;. fhadowed with a multitude of types and figures, and fo much the more generally and'obfcurely delivered as the manifefting of them was farther off. f 2. The old teftament is not contrary to the new; for both in the old and new teftament everlafting life is offered to mankind by Chrift, . who is the only mediator between God and man, being both God and: man ; wherefore they are not to be heard, which feign that the old fa thers did look only for tranfitory promifes, for they looked for all the be nefits of God the Father through the merits of his Son JeffsChrift, as we now do ; only they believed' in Chrift which should come,, we in Chriff already come. ïi:3e. The: 839