Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

840 A P P E N D I X . 83. The new teftament is full of grace and truth, bringing joyful ti- dings unto mankind, that whatfoever formerly was promifed of Chrift is now accomplithed; and fo inftead of the ancient types and ceremonies exhibiteth the things themfelves, with a large andclear declaration of all the benefits of the gofpel. Neither is the miniftry thereof reftrained a- ny longer to one circumcifed nation, but is indifferently propounded un. to all people, whether they be yews or Gentiles; fo that there is now no nation which can truly complain, that they be .flint forth from the communion of faints, and the liberties of the people of God. 84. Although thelaw given fromGod by Moles, as touching ceremonies and rites be abolifhed, and the civil precepts thereof be not of necef ity to be received in any commonwealth ; yet notwithftanding, no chriftian man whatfoever is freed from the obedience of the commandments, which are called moral. Of the facraments of the new teßament. 85. THE facraments ordained by Chrift be not only badges or tokens of chriftian mens profeffion, but rather certain fire witneffes, and effectual or powerful Ggns of grace and God's good-will towards us, by which he doth work invifibly in us, and notonly quicken, but alto ftrengthen and confirm our faith in him. 86. There be two facraments ordained of Chrift our Lord in the gof- pel, that is to fay, baptifm and the Lord'sfupper. 87. Thole five which by the church of Rome are called facraments, to wit, confirmation, penance, orders, matrimonyand extreme unEtion, are not to be accounted facraments of the gofpel, being filch as. have partly grown from corrupt imitation of the appoftles, partly are Rates of life. allowed in the fcriptures, but yet have not like nature of facraments with ,bapti¡m and the Lord's(upper; for that they have not any vifible figa or ceremony ordained ofGod, together with a promife of faving grace an- nexed.thereunto. 88. The facraments, were not ordained of Chrift to be gazed upon, or to be carried about, but that we Should duly ufe them. And in Each only as Worthily receive the fame, they have a wholefome effeát and ope- ration ; but they that receive them unworthily thereby, draw judgment upon themfelves. Of baptifm. 89. BAptifm is not only an outward Signof our profefiion, and a note of difference, whereby chriftians are difcerned from fuch as are