Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

A P P E N D I .X. are no chriftians ; but much more a facrament of our admif3ion into the church, fealing unto us our new birth (and confequently our juftifica- tion, adoption, and fanEtification) by the communion which we have with Jefus Chrift. 90. The baptifm of infants is to be retained in the church as agree.. able to the word of God. 91. In the adminiftration of baptifm, exorcifin, oil, fait, 'Piffle, and fuperftitious hallowing of the water, are for juft caufes abolithed ; and without them the' facrament is fully and perfeEtly adminiftered, to all intents and purpofes, agreeable to the inftitution of our Saviour Chrift. ßçi Of the Lord's flipper. 9a. rir H E Lord's fupper is not only a fign of the mutual love which chriflians ought to bear one towards another, but much more a facrament of our prefervation in the church, fealing unto us our fpiritual nourifhment, and continual growth in Chrift. 93. The change of the fubftance of bread and wine into the fob- fiance of the body and blood of Chrift, commonly called tranfubflan- tiation, cannot be proved by holy wait, but is repugnant to plain tef- tìmonies of the fcripture, overthroweth the nature of a facrament, and bath given occafion to molt grofs idolatry and manifold fuperfti- tions. 94. In the outward part of the holy communion, the body and blood of Chrift is in a molt lively manner reprefented, being no otherwife pre- fent with the vifible elements than things fignified and fealed are prefent with the fig.ns and feals that is to fay, fymbolically and relatively. But in the inward and fpiritual part, the fame body and blood is really and fubftantially prefentedunto all thofe who have grace to receive the Son of God, even to all thofe that believe in his name. And unto fuch as in this manner do worthily and with faith repair unto the Lord's table, the body and blood of Chrift is not only fignified andoffered, but alto truly exhibited and communicated. 95. The body of Chrift is given, taken, and eaten in the Lord's fupper, only after an heavenly and fpiritual manner ; and the mean whereby the body of Chrift is thus received and eaten, is faith. 96. The wicked; and fuch as want a lively faith, although they do carnally and vifibly (as St. flugu/iine fpeaketh) prefs with their teeth the facrament of the body and blood of Chrift, yet in no wife are t they