Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

842 /1 p p E. N ,a j X they made partakers of Chrift, but rather to their condemnation;. do eat and drink the fign or facrament of fo great a thing. 97. Both the parts of the Lord's facrament, according to Chrift's in- ftitution, and the pra1tice of the ancient church, ought to be miniflered unto all God's people; and it is plain facrilege to rob them of the myfti- cal cup for whom Chrift hash flied his molt precious blood. q$. The facrament of the Lord's flipper was not by Chrift's ordinance . referved, carried about, lifted up, or worfhipped. 99. The (acrifrce of the mats, wherein the priefl is laid to offer up Chrift for obtaining the remiflion of pain or guilt for the quick and the dead, is neither agreeable to Chrift's ordinance, nor grounded upon doc- trine apoftolick; but contrariwife moll ungodly, and moll injurious to that all-fufficient facrifice of our Saviour Chrift, offered once for ever upon the crois, which is the only propitiation and fatisfaétion for all our fins. . ) too. Private mats, that is the receiving of the euchar' by the prieft alone, without a competent number of communicants, is contrary to the inftitution of Chrift. Of the Hate of the fouls of men, after they de departed out of thii- life, together with the generat refurretlion and' the lafï judg- ment. tot. A FT E R this life is ended, the fouls of God's children be prefently received into heaven, there to enjoy unfpeakable comforts ; the fouls of the wicked are calf into hell, there to endure endlefs torments. tog. The doétrine of the church of Rome- concerning ¡imbus pa-- trum, limbus puerorum, purgatory,, prayer for the dead, pardons, ado- ration of images and relicks, and alfo invocation of faints, is vainly in- vented, without all warrant of holy fcripture, yea, and is contrary to the fame. 503. At the end of this world the Lord Jelin (hall come in the clouds with the glory of his Father ; at which time, by the almighty power of God, the living (hall be changed, and the dead (hall be railed, and all (hall appear both in body and foul before his judgment feat, to receive according to that which they have done in their bodies, whether good or evil. ioq.. When the laft judgment is finithed Chrift (hall deliver up the kingdom. to-his. Father,, and God Thall be all in all. The