Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

frfi Volume of the Il j2ory of the Puritans. namesfor thefame office. In confirmation of this, he produced the erudi- tion of a cbriftianman, publifhed in the reign of king HENRY VIII. with the approbation of molt of thofe who fubfcribed the articles ; which Pays, " Of thefe TWOORDERS ONLY, that is to fay, PRIESTS cc and DEACONS, fcripture maketh exprefs mention, and how they " were confirmed of the apoffles by prayer and impofition of hands" " All power and jurifdiaion of one bifhop over another is of human ca. appointment." But fince this authority is not fufficient, fome others £hall now be added. Mr. TINDAL who tranflated the new teftament into engl b, and fealed it with his blood in the reign of king HENRY VIII. has thefe words in his pratlice of pops prelates; " The apoftles following, and . ca obeying the rule, doétrine, and commandment of our Saviour, or- cc dained his kingdom and congregation, TWO OFFICERS, one called " after the greek word, bifhop, in englifh an overfier ; WHICH SAME " was called priefl, after the greek. Another officer they chafe and called him DEACON, after the greek ; a miner in englifh, to minifter c. alms to the poor. All that were called elders or priefts (if they cc fo will) were called bops alto, though they have now divided the " names." Mr. JOHN LAMBERT, another martyr in the fame reign, has thefe words, As touching priefthood in the primitive church, when virtue " bare the moft room, there were no more officers in the church than " BISHOPS and DEACONS, as witnefleth, befides fcripture, full apertly " Hierom, in his commentary upon St. Paul's epiftles, whereas he faith, " that thofe we call priefts were all one, and no other but bifhops, and . the bithops none but priefts," Archbifhop CRANMER is a name of great authority this prelate confeffes in his refolutions to king EDWARD'S queftions, that the names . of bifhops and priefts are confounded in fcripture. But to put this matter beyond all queftion, bifhop Burnet has preferv- Vol. t. ed an original paper of thefe times, entituled, adeclaration of thefunbli- Appen. ons and divine inftitution of bi/hops and prie/ts. Which concludes thus, 3" after having maintained, that the duties of both functions were the fame.. he truth is, that in the new teftament there is no mention made ofany " degrees or diftinition oforders, but only of Or MINISTERS, and " ofPRIESTS or BISHOPS." This declaration was frgned by more than . thirty-feven divines and civilians, among which were thirteen bithops,. viz. Thomas [Cramner] Cant: Edward Ebor, John London, Cuthbert Durham, John Lincoln, f ohn Bath, Tho. Ely, John Bangor, Nicolas Sarum, Edward Hereford, Hugo Wigorn, John oh Rocketter, Richard Cbsehefter, Nicolas Wotton, Cox, Redmayn, &c... I might. 859' P.