Aft Volume of the Hory of the Puritans. ed for a reformation, and fmarted feverely for attempting it, among whom' were all the perfons our author mentions. Mr. Cartwright was permit- ted to enjoy the mafterfhip of an hofpital in Warwick, after he had been expelled the univerlty, and forced to fly his country in a ftarving con- dition, but before he was well warm in his new feulement, he was fufpended by his diocefan, fummoned before the flar-chamber, and de- tained two years in a cold prifon, where he contraéled fuch diftempers as never left him to his death. Mr. Travers who was lecturer of the Temple, was almoft always in trouble, and at length being filenced by archbifhop LPhitgzft, was never reftored, but fpent the remainder of his days in obfcurity and great poverty. Mr. Field minifter of Aldermary London, fuffered above a year and half's imprifonment in , the common goal of Newgate, being fo poor as not tohave money to pay for his lodg- ing and victuals. Mr. ,ohnfon minifter of St. Clement Danes, was Phut up in a dole prifon for non- conformity, where he perifhed in poverty and want. Mr. Cawdrey minifler Luffingham in Suffolk, was fufpended,, deprived, and Pent a begging with his wife and eight children. Mr. Udal minifter of King/ion upon Thames, was deprived; imprifoned, tried, and condemned to death, for writing in favour of the difcipline, and at laft perifhed in prifon, where he had been confined two or three years. Thefe were among the chief leaders of the puritans, andbeneficed in the church. I befeech the reader to look over the red, and to remember the furvey, of the weftern counties, the bury ofthe puritans, p. pp. 9. which takes notice, that after twenty eight years eftablifhment of the church of England, there wereonly two thoufand preaching minifters to ferve near ten thozrfand churches, fo that there were almoft tight thoufand parifhes without preachingminifters. Which account is confirmed by the reverend Mr. Fenner, who lived in chafe times, in his anfwer toDr. Bridges, who declares, that a third part ofthe mini/iers ofEngland were covered with a cloud offufpenfions, Such was the lenity of the govern- ment ! 'Tie very certain, that almoft all the firft and fecond generation of pu- ritans were within the eftablifhment, their principles not allowing them . to feparate from a true church, but !till they were frequently in trouble, and being perfecuted out of one diocefe, took fhelter in another. To give . the reader a few examples; Mr. Hilderfham, a heavenly. divine (according to Fuller), was minifter of 4fhby de la Zouch forty three years, and in that compafs, fufpended no lets than four times, and continued under that hardfhip.alinofttwenty years. Mr. Fenner of Cranbrook was fafpended feven years.; Mr. Wyburn of.Roche/ier five; Mr. Rochray of' Roche/ler four; as were a great many. others ; fame of whom were ob- liged to give bond not to preach, or elfe be confined in prifon, 'Tis to little 873