Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

884 A Review of the principal fags obje&ed to the of the world with the ftrongeft proteftations of allegiance to the queen, and earneft prayers for the profperity of her government. When Mr. Stubbs a ftudent of Lincolns-Inn, and brother in law to Mr. Cartwright, had his right hand cut off with a mallet and cleaver, in the midit cf a crowd of fpeétators, for writing againfi her maje/ly's marrying with a pa- pill, hepulled off his hat with his left hand, and cried with a loud voice, Godfave the queen ; and afterwards proved a valiant and faithful com- mander in herarmies. Mr. Barrowe and Greenwoodgave fuch teftimo- nies of their piety towards God, and loyalty to the queen, at the place ofexecution,and prayed foearneftly for her long and profperous reign, that whenDr. Raynolds reported their behaviour, her majefty was concerned that fhe had yielded to their death. And even Penry the Browny in his Taft folemn proteftation to the world declares, that " he prayed for the " queen every dayof his life ; that though he was to be hanged as a felon " or traytor, heaven and earth fhould not convift him of it ; and that " whenfoever heended his days he fhould die queen EL t zABETH's faith- " ful fubjed, even in the confciences ofhis enemies. He then prays, that " the queen may have many fuch faithful fubjeds as himfelf, but that " they may not meet with fuch a reward. All which (lays he) I fob- " fcribe with the heart and hand that never deviled, or writ any thing to the difcredit or defamation of my fovereign queen ELIZA- " BETH." Ofperfecuti 'Tis agreed by this writer, that PERSECUTION FOR CONSCIENCE onfor confci SAKE is agrievous fin, highly injurious to our fellow creatures, inconfillent oncefake. with the chrian inftitution, and greatly oenfive to almighty God. Add- Vindfc. ing, this is no art of the di ute. True, but the dif ute is, whether the P r88, penal laws againft proteftantt diffenters in the reign, of queen ELIZA BET .H, do not properly come under this charalter. Mr. N. is of opini- on, that 'huttingmen up in pr/n, and appointing them to pun f ment and death, fornot coming to church, orfornon-conformity to certain rites and ce- remonieswhich they, apprehend to beJnjul, orfor worfhipping God infeparate afemblies, in a peaceable manner, is PERSECUTION FOR CONSCIENCE SAKE, highly injurious to ourfellow-creatures, andgreaty opnfive to al- mighty God. And how far the government of thofe times can be ac- quitted of this crime, (hall be fubmitted to the publick, after I have ob- ferved, that the court of high commifiion has the ruin of many families to anfwer for, only for their nonconformity ; and that the flatute of the 35th ELIZABETH, cap. 1. has no other title than this, an atl for pu- nZfhmentof perfons OBSTINATELY REFUSING COMING TO -CHURCH, and perttaaing others to impugn the queen's authority in ecclefiaftical caul s. The body of the ad mentionsno other crimes, but not coming to church or chapel, or perfuading others not to come, or being prefent at any