Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754 v1

1q P P E N D I X" 8gr= forne exercifes of devotion, called pfalms, and then follows a. para- Hiit. Ref. " phrafe on the Lord's prayer." vol. III. Mr. N's titles [of the homilies] real titles. They are not Mr. N's p. 3oó. tides but bi hop Burnet's verbatim. Heft. t'urit. Mr. N. lays, the a'i concerning the admifonofbops into theirfeesfits p:3z forth, that the manner ofchoofing bithops by a congé d'eílire being but the vo . IRef.. aadaw of an eleElion, all bops hereafter(hall be appointed by the king's p. 27. letters patents, and /hall continue the exertfè of theirrurifdiclion duranteVmdic p. beneplacito, or durante vita naturali, ft tam diu fe bene gefferint. " 'Tis Hi. Pur!t. " a firange liberty (fays our author) that this gentleman takes with the p, 35 " laws of his country ; is there a word like this in the ftatute, or in Cran. Moan.. Cl bithop Burnet's abridgment ? " The cafe is this ; bithop Burnett,. 142. fays, " The way of chpofing bithops by a congé d' eflire being but the Hift. Ref. " fhadow of an election, it was ordained, that for time to come they Vol. II.. " fhould be made by the king's letters patents." Which letters patents P' 43'. had been granted hitherto only durante beneplacito, but by this ad the foftning caufe of quamdiufe bene geffirint was infected in the room of the former, which amounted to juft nothing; for (lays Mr. Còller) " it is Eccl. Hilt. " plain the bifhops throughout the whole courfe of king Edward's Vol. II. p. reign, were upon theirgood behaviour for their office ; they had the z18, 209. exprefs claufe of quam diufe bene gprint in their patents, and were. " not enabled to hold them during life. When therefore bithop Bur- " net lays, the precarious grant of durante beneplacito was only to fèrve CS the neceflity of the junéture, and that it was afterwardsaltered; the beneplacitum being omitted, and the bi(hops enabled to hold their fees during life, 'tis evident (fays Mr. Collyer) both from the body of his hiftory, and his records, that matters were not thus mended " Is not this fomething like what Mr. N. has Paid ? Mr. N. adds in the fame page, one of the fir/lpatents, with this claufe Vindic. p. is that of Dr. Barlow, but all the re/t ofthe bops afterwards took soro out letters patents with the fame claufi ; whereas bfhop Burnet, in thefe- venth (it fhould be thefourth) of the king's reign, fays, that Ridley and Thirlby were made bifhops after the commonform, DURING LIFE° It Steppe's appears by the regifter, that Ridley was tranflated to the bifhoprick ofEcct.. Mema. London by letters patents without a congéd' eflire, which letters patents, Vol. II. fays bifhop Burnet, begat, with mentioning the vacancy of the fee by Vóri4 death or removal, upon which the king appoints fuch an one bithop p. 218.. during his natural life, Or SO LONG AS HE SHALL BEHAVE HIMSELF WELL, giving him power to ordain and deprive minifters, &c. and to do all the parts of the epifcopal function in the king'sname and authority, which Mr. N. conceives could not be according to the commonform, nor abfolutely during life, and this continued throughout this whole reign. Mr,