Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. V. The HIS T 0 RY of the PuRITANS. 155 r• ki~g· to a papift, and his concealment of a late plot to reduce thefe'king- K. CharJes I. cl f1 " .r644· '' doms to popery an . avery. . . . ~· To this long charge the arcbb1fhop gave fome general anfwers, 111 fatyn- .dbp's anea! and provoking language: My lords (fays he) l am oharged with an fiver., . . endea,·our to reconcile the church of England to the s;hurch of Rome; I Lau 8ds h• 8!!:6• . . . P· 2 5• 2 ,. tlJ a.\1 recite the fum 9f the evidence, and of the arguments to prove It. 325 , &c. (1.) I have reduced feveral per!ons from pop:ry, .whom I have named in Prynne, p. my fpeeeh ; ergo, 1 have endeavoured to brmg w popery. (2.) I have5L43-d' h'Jl. · fl: d ] b' · 1 h au 5 '"· made a canon aga1n popery, an an oat 1 to a ~ure It; ergo, .ave en- p. 41 8, 419~ deavoured to introduce it. (3.) I have been twice offered a cardmallhip and refufed it, becaufe I would not be fubjett to the pope; n·go, I have endeavoured to fubjeet the church of England to h·im. (4·) I writ a book againfl popery; ergo, I am inclinable to it. (5.) I have been in danger of my life from a popifh plot; ergo, I cherifhed it, and endeavoured to accompli01 it. (6.) I endeavoured to reconcile the !utheram and calvini(ls; ergo, I laboured to bring in popery. .. To the particulars he replied, that whatever papal power he had af- To !m a.J!i 1 un:- . I a: d · · l · · I h d'd b f h mgpapa lt• fumed, 1e auu me tt not m liS own ng 1t, as t ·e popes 1 , ut rom t e tle;, king. That the fiile of holinejs was given to St. Augujtine, and others, and therefore not peculiar to the pope ; why then lh0uld fo grave a man as Mr. Brown (fays he) difparage his own nation, as if it was impoffible for an englijh bilhop to deferve as good a title as an.other ? As for the other titles, they mufl: be taken as compliments for my having deferved well of the univerfity ; but after all, 'tis one thing to affume papal titles, and another to a-lfume papal power. As to the title of patriarch, or pope if the other world; 'tis the title that Anfe!m fays belongs to the archbifhops of Canterbury, and not fo great an one as St. J erom gave to St. Augujline, when he writ to him with this title, beatijjimo papal Augujlino. I confefs I have been offered a cardinal's hat, b_ut refufed it, faying, I could not accept it till Rome was otherwift than it now is. If after this, others will repute me a papifl: I can't help it, I hope I fhall not be anfwerable for their uncharitablenefs. Sir Henry Mildmoy will witnefs how much I am ha- . ted and fpoken ngainfi at Rome. It does not appear that I forbad mini- Laud's hi!!:.' fters praying for the queen's converfion ; but when I was told the queen P· 383. was prayed for in a faCtious and feditious manner, I referred the matter to my vifitors, and do acknowledge that Mr. Jones was punifhed in the high commifllon on this account. r. r.To t~elfobf~eClhion, .o~ the churcdh ofl:f'(.?. 1 ome:s being a true church, I eo~- To thechurch ·sexs my 1e o · r at optrnon, and o 11 belteve, that lhe J;ever erred m of Rome's fundamentals, for the foundations of the chrill:ian religion are in the ar- being a true tides of the creed, and !he denies none of them; and it would be r.~d if}turch: lhe fhould, for 'tis through her that the bijh(}ps of the church of Et1gland, 'P· j 92 ' X 2 who