Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

'The HIS T 0 RY of the PuRITANS; VoL. II. K. Charles l" now fo properly to be attributed to .the rulers of every [mall congrega– ·~" tion. I am none of thofe, Mr. prolocutor, who except again!~ the '' prelbyterian government; I think it has a good foundation, and has :• done much good in the church of Chrifi:. " But, Sir, whether this form of government be jure divino or not, " may admit of fome difpute? and whether it be now requifite for you " to declare, that it is fo. And of the indepen– dents, " If the meaning be, that it is jure divino ecclifttJjtico, then the que[. " tion will be railed, of the magifi:rates impofing forms upon mens con– " fciences, for then they will be only the magiftrates impofition. But " if the meaning be jure divino abfolute, it mull: then be the precept of " God, and they are in a fad condition who are not under this govern– ,, ment. " It is objeCl:ed, that no form of government is jure divino, but that " ·in general, all things mull: be done decently, and in order. A govern– " men! is certainly jure divino, but whether prelbytery, epifcopacy, in– " dependency, or any other form of government be jure divino, or not; " that is, whether there be a prefcript, rule or command of fcripture, « for any of t~o[e forms, will not be admitted by many as a clear thing. "It may therefore not be unworthy your confideration, whether it be " not more prudent at this time to forbear to declare your judgments in " this point ; the truth will neverthelefs continue the fame. " If this government be not jure divino, no opinion of any council " can make it fo; and if it be jure divino it continues fo fiill, though •' you do not declare it to be fo. " I therefore humbly fubmit it to your judgments, whether it be not « better at this time to avoid giving occafion to difputes of this natu~e, " and only to prefent your judgment to the parliament, that the govenz· , " men! of the church by presbyteries is m oft agreeable to the word of God, " and moft fit to be Jet tied in this kingdom; or, in what other expreffions " you may think fit to cloth your queaion; and I hope you may foon •• have a defired ilfue." Mr. Selden and St. John were of this mind; and the reverend Mr. Colman was fo zealous on this fide, that he declaimed againfi: the divine right, not only in ' the alfembly but in the pulpit, apprehending preiliy– tery would prove as arbitrary and tyrannical as prelacy, if it came in on the foot of a divine claim. He therefore propofed, that the civil magi– firate fhould have the foie power of the keys by way of interim, till the nation was fettled. But the independents oppofed the propolition of the divine right of pres– bytery, by advancing a counter divine right of their own fcheme; fifteen - days