Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. VI. The HIS T 0 R Y of the PuRITANS~ RuLES for jujpe'?Jion in cafe of SCANDAL; K. Charles .I.- 1645· « The elderiliips !hall have power to fufpend from the facrament all~,, Jcandalous peifons hereafter mentioned, and no others, being duly con- " vitled by the oaths of two witneffes, or their own confeffion ; that is ~' to fay, 1. " All blafphemers againfl: God, his holy word;or facraments. 2. " Incefl:uous perfons, 3· " Adulterer&. 4· " Fornicators•. 5· " Drunkards. 6. "Profane fwearers and curfers; 7· " Murderers. 8. " Worfhippers of images, croffes, crucifixes, or relics. 9· " All that make images of the trinity, or of any perfon there;;; " of. - I o. "·All religious worG1ipers of faints, angels, or any meer crea.:. " ture. , I r. " Such as declare thcmfelves not to be in charity with their " neighbours. 12. " Such as lhall challenge others to a duel, or that !hall accept fuch .~' challenge. I 3· " Such as knowingly G1all carry a challenge either by word, me[.:. " fage, or writing. 14- " Such as profane the Lord's day by dancing, playing at cards or '' dice, or any other game; or that {hall on the Lord's day ufe mafking; " wakes, G1ooting, bowling, playing at foot-ball, or ftool-ball, wreftling ·; " or that G1all refort to plays, interludes, fencing, bull-baiting, or bear-bait– ,_, ing; or, that !hall ufe hawking, hunting, courfing, fiG1ing, or fowling; " or, that iliall publicly expofe any ware to fale, otherwife than is provided " by the ordinance of Apri/6. 1644. or; that ilia!! travel on the Lord's . " day without reafonable caufe. I 5· Such as keep known flews; or brotbel-houfcs; · or, that lball fo~ '' licit the chafl:ity of any perfon for himfelf, or another. I 6. " Such parents as give their confent to marry their children to pa'– " pi!ts; and fuch as do themfelves marry a papifl:. 17. " Such as confult for advice, witches, wizards, or fortune~tel-cc. lers. 18. " Such asa!fault their parents, or any magiftrate, minifl:er, _or elo: " der, in the execution . of his office,