Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

XX P R E F A C E. piety towards God! By a firm and unjhakm loyalty to his majefty's per· fon, and wife ~dminiftration ! By. a'?oiding. everY. ~hing that tends toperjec~· tion, or cenforzou.ftzefs for mere differences tn relzgzon! And by the tntegrzty of tbeir own lives and manners! And while they think it their duty to ji!pcirate from the national eftablilhment, may they dif!inguijh themfelves by the exercife if all Jocial virtues, and fland jqt in the liberty where· with thl prOIIJiqence of God has made them free! By fuch a conduCl they will preftr.rve their charaClers w~th all Jober ~rfons, and will tranfmit the blejjings of the prejent age to thetr /at eft pojtenty. London, Mar&h 1. 1737-81 DANIEL NEA!h THE