ne HIs T 0 R y of the PuRITANS. VoL. II. K. Charles!. delivered in the following queftions with the orders of the houfe there– ~ upon. ftuejlions ~ueflions propounded to the '!(j'embly of divines by the houfe of commons fent to the touching the point of jus divinum in the matters of cburcb-gowrn: (Jffembly relating to the ment. jus divinum. Rulhw. p. ;~.6o. r. "Whether the congregational and pre!byterial eldedhips appointed " by ordinance of parliament, or any other congregational or pre!byterial " eldedhips are jure divino, and by the will and appointment of Jefus " Chrift? and whether any particular church-government be jure di. "vino? and what that government is? 2. "Whether all the members of the faid elderlhips as 'members there– " of, or which of them are jure divino, and by the will and appointment " of Jefus Chrifl: ? , 3· " Whether the claffical provincial and national a!Temblies, or any " of them, and which of them are jure divino, and by the will and ap. "pointment of Jefus Chrifl:? · 4· "Whether appeals from congregational elderlhips, to clafficar pro· " vincial and national a!Temblies, or any of them, and to which of them " are jure divino, and by the will and appointment of Jefus Chrifl:? and " whether their POWERS upon fuch appeals are jure divino, and by th~ " will and appointment of Jefus Chrifl:? 5· " VVhether oecumenical affembl.ies are jure divino? and whether " there be appeals from any of the former affernblies to the faid oecume– ,, nical jure divino, and by the wiH and appointment of Jefos Chrifi? 6. "Whether by the word of God, the power of judging and decla– " ring what are fuch notorious and fcandalous offences, for which per– " fans guilty theFeof are to be k~pt from the facrament of the Lord's " fupper, and of convening before them, trying, and aCl:ually fufpending " from the facrament of the Lord's fupper fuch offenders, is either in the "congregational elderihip, pre!bytery, or in any other elderlhip congre– " gation or perfons ? and whether fnch powers are in them on!y, or any " of them, and and in which of them jure divitto,. and by the will and ~·appointment of Jefus Chrift? 7. " Whether there be any certain and particular rules expreffed in the « word of God, to direCl: the elderihips or pre:fbyteries, congregations or. " perfons, or any of them, in the exercife and execution of the powers "aforefaid, and what are thofe rules.? 8. " Is there any thing· contained in the word of God; that the fu~ " preme magiftracy in a·chriftian ll:ate, may not judge and determine ~· what are the aforefaid notorious and fcandalous offences~ and the man- - ·· - - - -·- · -- - · ~ - - · - '' ne(