Chap. VI. The HIS T 0 R Y of the PuRiTANS. 205 " ner of fufpen fion for the fame ; and in what particulars concerning the K.. Charles I. " premifes is the faid fupreme magifl:racy by the word of God exclu- ~ " ded? 9· " Whether the provifion of commiffioners to judge of fcandals not " enumerated (as they are authorized by the ordinance of parliament,, " be contrary to that way of government which Chrifi has appointed iu. ~' his church? and wherein are they fo contrary?" In the aifernbly's anfwer to thefe propofitions, t.he houfe of commons ordered the pro0fs from fcripture to be fet down, with the feveral texts at large in the exprefs words of the fame ; and that every minifter of the aifembly, who fhould be prefent at the debate of any of thefe quefl:i– ons, ibould fubfcribe his refpeCtive name in the affirmative. or negative, according as he gave his vote; and that thofe who diifented from the ma– jor part fhould fet down their poli.tive opinions, with the exprefs texts of fcripture upon which their opinions are grounded. 'Tis eafy to difcover. the mafterly hands of Mr. Seldm and lf'hitlock in Remarks. thefe queftions; which. were fent to the aifembly not with any profpeCl: of a fatisfaCI:ory anfwer:, but to employ, and it may be to divide them, till they faw how they were like to fettle with the king. The houfes were afraid of being fettered with the )cots difcipline, and yet the Scots were not to be difgufted, becaufe they had an army in the north, to · whom the king had committed the cullody of his perfon. As foon as the aifembly had heard the refolutions of the houfe ofcom- Thiy an ter~ mons abovementioned, and the quefl:ions read, firft by. Sir J. Eve/in, rijiedand ap– and then by their fcribe, they adjourned in a very great fright till next pomt a fajl; morning, in order to conlult their brethren in the city; and then appointed a day of failing and humiliation for themfelves, in reference to their prefent circumftances, and fent letters to all the members to give their attendance. The faft was obferved within their own walls on Wednifday May 6. from nine in the morning till four in the after.- noon; and committees .'#ere appointed to confider of an anfwer to the quellions, whofe report we fhall confider under the next year. In the mean time we muft go back a little, to take a view of the at- Committee of tempts which were m1king to comprehend the independents, or·di!Jenting accommoda– brethren in the aifembly, within the new ellablifhment, or. at leaft to ob- tton. Pa– tain a toleration for them; the parliament had ordered September I 3· I 644. ~:;;:,£;;;.,~~~; . that the " co.mmittee of lords and commons appointed to treat with the p. x• . "flots ~omm1ffioners and the committee of divines; do take into confi- '' deration the differences of the opinions of the members of the. aifem- "' bly in point of church-government, and endeavour an union if poffible; . "' and if that.cannot be accomplifhed~ , endeavour to find .out fome way . . . .. ~ . . - • ··- ' . ," ·bo1v_·