206 '!'he HIS T 0 RY of the PuRITANS. VoL. H. K. Charles I." how Jar tender cm!fcfences, w~o cannot in all things jitbmit to the fame ~ ·« rule, may be born 'Wtth accordmg to the ~vord of God, and conf!flent with . ''the public peace," This was ca\led the GRAND COMMITTEE OF AC– <COMMODAT ION, which met the firft time Sept. 20. and chofe a fub– ·committee of fix divines of the alfembly, to confider the points of dif– ference, and to prepare materials for the confideration of the grand com~ .mittee; the names of thcfe divines were the reverend Mr. Marfhal, Mr• .Herle, Mr. Vines, Dr. Temple, Mr. Goodwin, and Mr. Nye, who after feveral confultations among themfelves, delivered to the committee certain propofitions [Octob. I 5· I 644.] which were read by Mr. Vines their chair~ man : The independents would have fiated the points in variance between the two parties, and endeavoured a compromife while the difcipline of the church was dependi.ng; but the prdbyterians infil1ed, that the new {orm of government fhould firft pals into a law as a jfandard, before the ·exceptions of the independents were received; upon which they were adjourned by order of the houfe of commons, till the affair fhould be :Remonfl. p. determined in the affembly, who agreed Apri/4. I645· that the brethren .3• 'IPJho bad entered their diffent againfl the presbyterian government, jhould be .a committee to bring in the 'l.vhole frame of their government in a body, with their grounds and reafom. The independents defued liberty to bring in their objetlions by parts, as the presb)•teriam had done their advices; but this not being admitted, they defired time to perfeCl: their plan before .any other fcheme paired into a law; but the prefbyterians without any regard to the compromife, by the affil1ance of their fcots friends, pufhed the affair to a conclufion in parliament; upon which the independents laid afide their own model, and publifhed a remont:l:rance, complaining of the artful conduCt of the affembly, and that the difcipline of the church :being fixed, it was too late to think any more of a comprehenfion. The houfe of commons having feen their mil1ake, refumed this affair with their own hands, and by an order dated Nov. 6. I 645. revived the com– mittee qf accommodation, which befides the fcots commiffioners, confilted -of the following peers, viz. Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Manch'!.fier, Lord Vie. Say and Seale, 'Lord Wharton, and Lord Howard. ,:hefe were to confer with the following members of the aifembly, viz•. Dr. Burges, Mr. Marjbal, Mr. Herle, Mr. Reynolds, Dr. Hoyle, Mr. White, Mr. Vi11es, Mr. Hill, pr. 'Temple, Mr' . ~