Chap. VI. The HIS T 0 R Y if the PuRITANs: Mr.Palmer, Mr. Tuckney, Mr.~rro~jlnith, Dr. Smith, Mr. Seamarr, with the diifenting brethren of the aifembly. Mr. Ne~comln, Mr. 'Young. Mr. Tho. Good~in, Mr. Simpjon, Mr. Nye, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Bridge, Mr.Drury. 207 /(. Charles I. 1645. ~ The committee met in the J erufalem chamber Nov. 17. and would Tnt wmnit– have entered upon a fcheme for comprehenfion, but the independmts tees revived. moved only for an indulgence or toleration, obf~rving t.hat as they had al- ~t,;;~!;;_ ready moved in the aifembly and elfewhere, tnat thw fcheme of govern- tion. p. 14 , ment might be debated before the presbyterian had paifed· into a law, and 24. for this purpofe had offered to prepare a compleat model, if they might have been indulged a few days, and that having been over-ruled, and. another form of government fettled ; they apprehended themfelves lhut out from the efiablilhment, and precluded from any further attempts towards an union or comprehenfion; but fiill they were willing to enter upon the fecond part of the parliament's order, .wliich was to confider, how far tender conj(:iences ~ho cannot in all things fubmit to the eflablijhed · rule, may be indulged conjiijlent ~vith the ~ord-qf God and the public peace, Accordingly in their next meeting Dec. 4· they offered the following . propofals. Taking for granted that both fides lhall agree in one confeffion of fa ith, they humbly crave, r. That their congregations may have the power of ordination within Propofals of themfelves. tbe Indepen· 2. That they may not be brought under the power of claifes, nor forced dents t-o communicate in thofe parilh churches where they dwell, but that they may have liberty to join with fuch congregations as they. prefer 1 and that.· fuch congregations may have power of all church cenfures within them– felves, fubjefr only to -parliament;. and be as fo many exempt, or privi– ledged places, To the preamble the presbyterians replied, that only fuch as agreed to R eply of tbt their confeffion of faith and direCtory fbould have the benefit of the forbear- prefbycenb d . b h' h h . d h ans. Pa- ~nce to e agree on,. "':'It w IC _ t e commJt_tee concurre ; but t eP•rs ofacwdependents would admtt only of the affirmative, . that Juch as agreed commodatim , . with them jhould be tolerated; and would not confent- to the nega- p. I8, 19~ tive, fo as to fet bounds or limits of forb'earance to tender con{ciences, 26 ' 2 7· · nor make fuch an a?,reementa neceft·uy q~alification for receiving the fa- . IQJ·ament, . ·.