Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. I. ne HIs T 0 Ry of the PuRITANS.' 7 Though the king had rejected the ftots mediation, and Jet up his refl K.Charles I. upon the jujlice qf ~is cauje, he ~as p~eafed, before the be~inning of the ~J campaign, to adm1t of a treaty with h1s two houfes, for wh1ch purpofe he <rreaty of .fent a fafe conduct to fix lords, and as many commoners, with their Oxford. attendants, to repairtd him at Oxford, who being admitted to an audience in one of the colleges, produced the following propqfals, which were read by the earl of Northumberland. r. " That the armies may be diibanded on both fides, and the king <£he parlia- " n:turn to his parliament. ment's propo2. "That delinquents may fubmit to a legal trial, and judgment of{'~{h~. " parliament. Vol. V. 3. '' That all p1pi!ls be diibanded and difarmed. p. 165, 166,. 4· " That his majefiy will pleafe to give his confent to the five bills " hereafter mentioned. 5· '' That an oath may be eftablilhed by atl: of parliament, wherein " the papills lhall abjure and renounce the pope's fupremacy, tranfub– "' ftantiation, purgatory, worlhipping the confecrated hofi, crncifixes '' and images, and the refufing fuch oath lawfully tendered lhall be a " fuffi.cient convitl:ion of recufancy.- That your majefiy will gra– " ciouily pleafe to confent to a bill for the education of the children " of papifis in the protefiant religion. -- And to another bill for the •' better putting the laws in execution againfi them. 6. " That the earl of Brfftol, and lord Herbert, may be removed '' from your maje!ly's counfels, and from the court. 7· " That the militia may be fettled in fuch manner as !hall be agreed " upon by both houfes. 8. " That the chief jufiices and judges of the feveral courts of law ~' may hold their places quam diu Je bene g1ferint. 9· " That fuch petfons as have been put out of the commiffion of " the peace fince April 1. 1642, may be reftored, and that thofe whom " the parliament fhall accept againft be removed. 10. " That your maje!ly will pleafe to pafs the bill now prefented, '·' to fecure the priviieges of parliament from the ill confequences of the " late proceedings again!l: the lord Kimbolton and the five mem– ,, bers. II. "That an act may be paired for fatisfying fuch public debts as " the parliament h"s engaged the public faith for. I 2. " That your majt!l:y will pleafe to enter into alliances with fo– re reign proteftant powers, for the defence of the protefiant religion and " recovering the Palatinate. ' 13. ~· That