Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

8 'I'he HISTORY of thePuRITANs. VoL. 11. K. Charles I. 1 3· 'I That in the general pardon, all offences committed before the ~ " roth of 'Jan. 1641. which have been, or lh 1ll be que!tioned in the "houfe of commons before the roth of 'Jan. 1643· be excepted.– " That all perfons concerned in the irijb rebellion be excepted; as like– " wife JVilliam earl of Newcaflle, and George lord Digby. Bill againjl innovations. Hufhand's Col/ell. Fol. 119. 14. " That fuch members of parliament as have been turned out '' of their places fince the beginning of this parliament may be re– " ftored, and may have feme rep:1ration, upon the petition of both cc houfes." Thefe things being granted and performed, we !hall be enabled (fay they) to make it our hopeful endeavour, that your maje!ty and your people may enjoy the bleilings of peace, truth, and juf– tice.-- The bills mentioned in the fourth propofition were thefe : The fir!t is entitled, an a/J fir the fupprdfion if divers innovations ilz .churches and chapels in and about the worfoip if God; and }or the due objervation if the Lord's day, and the better advancement if preaching God's holy word in al/j;arts qf this kingdom. It enaCts, " That all altars and rails be taken away out of churches " and chapels before April I 8. 1643· and that the communion table " be fixed in fame convenient place in the body of the church. That " all tapers, candlefticks, bafom, crucifixes, croifes, images, piCtures of " faints, and fuperftitious infcriptions in churches, or church-yards, be " taken away or defaced. " That all damages done to the churches, or windows of churches, " by the removal of any of the aforefaid innovations, be repaired by " the proper officers of the parilh or chapel. cc This aet is not to extend to any image, piCture, or monument for " the dead. · It enaCts further, " That all bowing towards the altar, or at the " name of 'Jejus, fi1all be forborne; and for the better obfervation of " the fabbath, that all dancing, gaming, fports and pa!limes, !hall be " laid afide. That every mini!ter that has cure of fouls lhall preach, " or expound the fcriptures, or procure fome other able divine to preach '' to his congreation every Lord's day in the forenoon; and it !hall be " lawful for the parilhoners to provide for a fermon in the afternoon, " and a leClure on the week-day, where there is no other leeture, or " preaching at the fame time; and if any perfon oppofe or hinder them <' he !hall forfeit forty !billings to the poor. ~ .. The