Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. I. 'Ibe HIS T 0 R Y of tbe PuRITANS. 9 The fecond, entitled an aft for the utter abolijhing, and taking away K. Charles f. if all archbifhops, bijhops, their chancellors, and commijfaries, &c. has ~ been already inferted in the former . part of this hi!1ory. Hu!b. · T he third is entitled, an aft for punijlJing Jcandalous clergymen, and Col/ea. h Fol. 124. ot ers. Fw punijbin~ It ordains, " That the lord- chancellor, or lord-keeper, for the time being, fcandalour " " !haJI award commiffions under the great feal, to perfons of worth aud clergy. " credit in every county of England and Wales; which com~i!lioners, ~0 ~~1. " or any three, or more of them, £hall have power to enqu1re by the Fol. 129 . •' oaths of twelve lawful men of the faid county, of the foJiowing of- " fences in the clergy (viz.) not preaching fix times at leafi: in a year, ,, by any ecde fia(lical perfon having cure of fouls under the age of fix- ,, ty, and net hindered by ficknefs or imprifonment; of blafphemy, per- " jury, or fu bornation of perjury, fornication, adultery, common ale- ,, houfe or tavern bunting, drunkennefs, profane fwearing or curfi ng, '' done or committed within three years pafi:, by any parfon o; vicar, ,, or other perfon having cure of fouls, or by any leCturer, curate, fii- " pendiary, fchool-mafier or ulher of any fchool. The commi!lioners {hall ' ' take information by articles in writing; the party complaining to be " bound in a recognizance of ten pounds to profecute at a time appointed; « the articles of complaint being firfi: delivered to the party complained (( of, twenty days before the trial, that he may prepare for his defence. '' Upon conviction, by the verdiCt of twelve men, the party complained '' of {hall be deprived of his fpiritual promotions, and be adjudged a dif- " abled perfon in law, to have and enjoy the fame incumbency or eccle- " fiafiical promotion. This aCt to continue till Nov. I, 1645. and no ~· longer. The fourth is entitled, an aft agail!fl the enjoying pluralities of benefices Againjl ptuby .JPiritual perfons, and non-rejidence. ra!itier and It enaCl:s, " That all perfons that have two or more benefices with 'itiliefidence " cure of fouls, of what yearly value foever they be, £hall refign Co~lea. " them all but om;, before April I. 1643. any licence, toleration, fa- Fol. 140. '' culty, or difpenfation to the contrary notwithfianding. . " That if any fpiritual perfon, having cure of fouls, £hall be abfent " from his cure above ten fundays, or eighty days in a year, except in " cafe of ficknefs, imprifonment, or except he be a reader in either " univerfity, o( be fummoned to convocation; and be thereof law– " fully conviCl:ed in any court of jufl:ice, that his living £hall be deemed " void, and the patron have power to nominate another perfon, as if the ·" former incumbent was dead. VoL. IJ. c The