Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

The HIS T 0 R'Y of tbe PuRITANS. 2{ Chap. I. And yet in the next page he owns, he was not fatisfied in Mr. Finch's K. Charles f. character, nor in fame parts of his defence, in which he thinks, he does ~by no means acquit himfelf from having been a man of an ill life. His cafe was reported by the grand committee to the houfe vf commons, and by them to the lords, who all agreed he was unfit to hold any eccleliaftical living. It muft be left with the impartial world to judge, whether the parliament had reafon to fequefl:er tbefe clergymen, in their own defence. The lafl: was a man of an immoral life, and the two former, allowing them to be otherwife good men, were certainly incendiaries again(!: the two houfes, and preached up thofe doCtrines which were inconfifl:ent with the confl:itution and freedom of this country, as mofl: of the paro– chial clergy at that time did. The committee for PLUNDERED MINISTERS took its rife from Committee thofe puritan clergymen, who being driven from their cures in the coun-/0~ ~lundered try by the king's foldiers, fled to Londo1z with their families, leaving their mrniflcrs. fubfl:ance and hou{hold furniture to the mercy of the enemy; thefe being reduced to very great exigencies, applied to the parliament for relief; the commons firft ordered a charitable colleClion for them at their monthly fa(l, and four days after "viz. December 3 r. I 642. appointeda committee to confider of the fitteft wayfir the reliefqfJuch godly and~veilaffeC!ed miniflers as have bemplundered; andwhat malignant t!erg)'11Zfll have benefices in and about the town, 7£Jhqfe bene/ices beingfequefteredmay bejitppliedby others who may recei've their profits. The committee confifted of Mr. Solicitor General, Mr. Martyn, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir William Armyn, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Holland, Mr. Roufe, Mr. Cafe, Mr. K1zightly, Sir 11/illiam Ha) 1 man, Mr. Wentworth, Mr. Ruthen. Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Spurftow, to whom were afterwards added fome others; among whom Dr. lf'alker fuppofes p. i 3· was the famous Mr. White, who fat in the chair of this committee, March 2. 1642-3. The commiffioners were upon their oath ; any four had a power to aet ; they were diftinguiilied by the name of the com– mittee fir plundered miniflers ; but the royaliO:s, by way of reproach, called them the committee fir plundering minifters. They began their meetings in the court of Excheqzter, 'Jan. z. in the afternoon; two days after, they were ordered to examine the complaints againft Dr. Soam, minifier of T~vickenham and Stains, to fend for parties and witne!fes, to confider of proper perfons to fupply the cures, to apply the revenues to their ufe if they found it nece!fary, and to report the proceedings to the houfe. July 27. 1643· they were impowered .to confider of informations ag~infl: fcandalous min!fters, though there were no malignancy proved agamfl: them, and to put out fuch whofe fcandal was fufficiently proved;