Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

The HISTORY of the PuRit'ANS. Chap. I. to this proclamation, the king's friends in the counties of Corn- K. Charles I. wal and Devonjbire to~k an .oath, and entere~ into an. ~ffociation upon ~ fundry articles, of whtch th1s was one, that 1f any mmt!ter !hall refufe, or wilfully negletl: to obferve the fa!t appointed by his maje!l:y, or !hall not read the fervice and prayers appointed for that fail:, and being carried before a ju!tice of peace, {hall not promife and prote!t for their future conformity, he !hall be forthwith fecured, and his ef!ate jequejlered; the like courfe to be taken with fuch minifl:ers as abfent themfelves that day, unleCs upon ficknefs, or other caufe allowed by two jufl:ices of peace; and with tho~e th~t will not read fuch books as !hall. be a~- pointed to be read by hts maJe!ty ; and the confl:ables are to cerufy thm defaults to the next ju!tice of peace. This was a new hardlhip upo_n clergy and people, for the parliament having enjoined the continuance of the faft on Wednefday, the royalifl:s were obliged to an open feparation, by changing it to Friday. Thus the devotions of the kingdom were divided, and almighty God called into the quarrel on both fides. The next thing the parliament undertook, was the removal of thofe Removal of monuments of fuperfiition out of churches, &c. which had been voted monumen!s of down the !aft year, but without any confi~erable effeCt, becan fe of thefuperjhtzon. rliifent of the houfe of lords. In the beginning of May, Sir Robert Harlcw, by order of the two houfes took down the croffes in Cbeapjide, lChari12g·Crqfs, and St. Paul's Crqfs, which was a pulpit of wood covered with lead, in form of a crofs, and mounted on fcveral !teps of !l:one about the middle of St. Paul's church yard, where the fir!l: reformers ufed to preach frequently to the people; and upon a funher reprefentation of the affembly of divines, they paffed the following ordinance "that 0 d" , r tnancl for " before the fir!t of November all altars and tables of !tone !hall be ut- that purpofo. "terly taken away and demolifhed; and all communion-tables removed Hufb. Col. " from the ea!t end of every church, chapel, or place of public wor- fol. 3°7· " lbip, and be fet in fome other fit and convenient place or places of '' the body of the church or chapel ; and all rails whatfoever which have '' have been erected near to, or before, or about any altar or commu- " nion-table, in any of the faid churches or chapels, Chall before the faid " day be taken away, and the chancel ground of every fuch church or " chapel, or other place of public prayer, which has been within thefe " twenty years raife.d for any al~ar or communion-table to !land upon, " !hall before the fatd day be latd down and levelled as it was before; " and all tapers, candleflicks, and bafins, lhall before the faid day be re- " moved and taken away from the communion-table in every church, "chapel, or place of puglic prayer, and not be ufed again afterwards. '' And all crucifixes, croffe§, images, and piCtures, of any one or more " perfons