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Chap. II. The HIS T 0 RY 'of the PuRITANS. 51 amendments the covenant paffed the affembly, and both houfes of p:tr- K. Crarlesi. Jiament ; and by an order dated September 2 I. w as printed and pub- ~ lifhed as follows : ,AJolemn league an~ cove~a12tfi~ reformation, and defenc~ if rel~gion, the honour and happmefs 'qj the kmg, and the peace and Jo.fety rj the three kingdoms qf England, Scotland, and Ireland, "wE .n?blemen, barons, knights, gentleme~, citizens? burge.ffes, Thcfo!c~rn « m1111flers of the gofpel and commons of all forts, 111 the kmg- league m~d ' 'd f G d covenant. •' doms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by the prov1 ence o o , Rufhw. •' living under one king, and being of one reformed religion, having be- Vol. V. '' fore our eyes the glory of God, and the advancement of the king- P· 478. " dam of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrill:, the honour and happi- " nefs of the king's majefiy, and his pofierity, and the true public li- " berty, Jafety and peace of the kingdoms, wherein every one's private '" condition is included ; and calling to mind the treacherous and bloody " plots, coufpiracies, attempts, and practices of the enemies of God, a~ ·cc gainll: the true religion and profeffors thereof in all places, efpecially " in thefe three kingdoms, ever fince the reformation of religion ; and " how much their rage, power, and prefumption, are of late, and at " this time encreafed and exercifed, whereof the deplorable eflate of the " church and kingdom of Ireland, the diflreffed efiate of the church " and kingdom of England, and the dangerous efiate of the " church and kingdom of Scotland, are prefent and public teftimonies; " we have (now at ]aft) after other means of fupplication, remonfirance, •' proteflations, and fufferings, for the prefervation of our Jives, and our " religion, from utter ruin and defiruction, according to the commend- " able practice of tb~fe kingdoms in former times, and the example of " God's people in other nations, after mature deliberation, refolved and « determined to enter into a mutual and folemn league and covenant, " wherein we all fubfcribe, and each one of us for himfelf, with our ''hands lifted up to the moll high God, do fwear, I. · " That we ·£hall fincerely, really, and''confiantly, through the grace :: of God, endeavour .in. our_ feveral places and callings, the prefervation of the reformed rebgwn m the church of Sot/and in doctrine wor– " iliip, difci 1 line, and government, againfl our co~mon enemie;; the :: refon_nation of _religi.on. i1: the kingdoms of England and Ireland, in , doCl:nne, worlh1p, d&,phne, and government, according to the word H 2 "of