Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. H. The HJSTOR Y of the PuR!l'ANs. 55 and to their kin_g and country; Nov. 17. their g_oods were ord~red to be K. ?~arl~s I. feized, and the1r perfons apprehended; upon wh1c? they fled mto Eng- ~ land. Such was the unbounded zeal of that natiOn ! February z. following the covenant was ordered to be taken throughout the kingdom of En;land, by all perfons above the age of eig~teen ye~rs; and the aifembly were commanded to draw up an exhortatiOn to d1fpofe peo~le to it, which being approved by both houfes, was pubhlbed unaer the title of An exhortation to the taking if the folemn league and covenant, }or re– formation and difence qf religion, the honour and happinefs if the king, and the peace and Jcifety if the three kingdoms qf England, Scotland and Ireland, and for jatisf5'ing }itch fcruples as may arife in the taking qj it ; ajfented to by the hozye, and ordered to be printed. Die veneris, Feb. 9· 1643. "I F the power of religion, or folid reafon ; if loyalty to the king, /In exhorta- " and piety to their native country, or love to themfelves, and natto': to tbe I a: .n· ! . fl: . 'f h J f l d · h takmg the fo• " tura aueuwn to t 1e1r po enty; 1- t e examp e o men touc 1e Wit /mm league " a deep fenfe of all thefe; or extraordinary fuccefs from God there- andcovenant. " upon, can awaken an embroiled bleeding remnant to embrace the fa- Ruihw. '' vereign and only means of their recovery, there can be no doubt but Vo!· V. " this folemn league and covenant will find, wherefoever it {ball be ~Iu~~Col. " tendered, a people ready to entertain it with all chearfulnefs and p. 424. ,_,duty. " And were it not commended to the kingdom by the concurrent " encouragement of the honourable houfes of parliament, the affembly " of divines, the renowned city of London, multitudes of other perfons " of eminent rank and quality of this nation, and the whole body of " Scotland, who have all willingly fworn and fubfcribed it with rejoicing " at the oath, fo graciouDy feconded from heaven already, by blafl-ing. " the counfels, and breaking the power of the enemy more than ever, " yet it goeth forth in its own firength with fuch convincing evidence " of ~quity, truth, and righteoufnefs, as may raife in all (not wilful– ,, ly 1gnorant, or miferably feduced) inflamed affections to join with " their brethren in this happy bond, for putting an end to the preient– " miferies, and for faving both king and kingdom from utter ruin, now " fa firongly and openly laboured by the popifh faction, and fuch aso " have been bewitched and befotted by that viperous and bloody gene– ~'· ration, - It.