Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. XII. The HIS T 0 RY of the PuRITANS.' cut fuch facred cords afunder ! The like mull: be obferved as to their vows and promifes to the non-coJiformijls, all which were forgot or broken, as foon as the church was delivered. The diiferiters acted a more confifi– ent part, for not being in tangled with the fame fetters, they went heartily into the revolution, and were among king Wiliiam's bell: and fieadiefi friellds, when others forfook and oppofed him. No fooner were king WrLLIAM and queen MARY fettled on the throne, than the diifenting minifiers in and about the city of London, wait– ed on their maje!lies with an addrifs if congratulation, when Dr. Batet at their head made the two following fpeeches. 'Io the K I N G. May it pleafe your majejly, 795 King William and queen Mary, 1688. ~ "T H E feries of fuccefsful events that has attended your glo- Addrefs of " rious enterprize, for the faving thefe kingdoms from [o emi-tb; ~ijjenting • d d 11 .n · ·1 h b r · d d' l mmijlers to " nent an eHrll<-LIVe ev1 s, as een 10 emment an extraor mary, t 1at K William. " it may force an acknowledgement of the divine providence from thofe ' " who deny it, and caufe admiration in all who believe and reverence it: cc The beauty and fpeed of this happy work are the bright fignatures of " his hand, who creates deliverance for his people: The lefs of human '' power, the more of divine wifdom and goodnefs has been confpicuous cc in it. If the deliverance had been obtained by fierce and bloody bat- " tles, victory itfelf had been dejected and fad, and our joy had been " mixed with affiicting bitternefs ; but as the fun afcending the horizon, " difpels without noife the darknefs of the night, fo your ferene prefence " has, without tumults and diforders, chafed away the darknefs that in- " vaded us. In the fenfe of this aftoni(hing deliverance, wedefire with " all poffible ardency of affection, to magnify the glorious name of God, " the author of it, by whofe entire eflicacy, the means have been fuc- " cefsful; and we cannot without a warm rapture of thankfulnefs, recount " our obligations to your majell:y, the happy in!lrument of it. Your " illuftrious greatnefs of mind, in an undertaking of fuch vafl: expence, " your heroic zeal in expofing your moll precious life in fuch an adven- " turou.s expedition, your wife conduct, and unlhaken refolution in pro- " fecutmg your great ends, are above the loftiefi flights of language, "exceed all praife. We owe to your majefiy the two greatell: and moll: " valuable bleffings that we can enjoy, the prifervation if the true religiw, " our moft facred treafure ; and the reco·rery qf the failing flate, and the " ejiabiijbing it upon juft foundations. According to our duty, we pro- " mife unfeigned fidelity, and true allegiance to your maje!ly's per5 I z " fon