Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

The HI&TORYof the PuRITANs. Vot .. II~ King cc fan and government. We are encouraged by your gracious protnife William fi and queen " upon our rft addrefs, humbly to defire and hope, that your majell:y Mary. " will be pleafed, by your wifdom and authority, to dlablilh a firm union 1688. " of your proteftant fubjetl:s in matters of religion, by making the rule ~" of chriftianity, to be the rule of conformity. Our bleffed union in the " purity and peace of the gofpel, will make this church a fair and " lovely type of' heaven, and terrible to our antkhriftian enemies: This " will make England the fteady centre fi·om whence a powerful influ– '' ence VI ill be derived, for the fupport of reformed chri!lianity abroad. " This will bring immortal honour to your name, above the trophies " and triumphs of the moft renowned conquerors. We do a!Ture your " majefty, that we iball cordially embrace the terms of union, which the " ruling wifdom of our Saviour has prefcribed in his word. We (hall ~· not trefpafs further on your royal patience, but !hall offer up our fervent " prayers to the king of kings, that he will pleafe to direct your ma– " jelly by his unerring wifdom, and a! ways encline your heart to his " glory, and encompafs your facred perfon with his favour as with a " lhield, and make your government an univerfal bleiling to thefe king– " dams." King's an– jiver. Their ad– drefs to the quem. To which his majelly was graciou!ly pleafed to make the following anfwer. "I 'I' A K E kindly your good wi/hes, ad7vbatever is in my power, fhall •' be employedfir obtaining fuch an union among you. I do qjfure you " qf my proteClion and kindnefs." To the ff(_,U E E N. May it pleafe your majifiy, "y 0 U R happy arrival into your native country, and acceffion to " the crown, has diffufed an univer!al joy through this kingdom. " 'Tis an aufpicious fign of public felicity, when fupream virtue, and " fupream dignity, meet in the fame perfon. Your inviolable firmnefs '' in the profeilion of the truth, and examplary piety, are the moft radi– " ant jewels in your crown. The luftre of your converfation, un– " llained in the midft of tempting vanities, and adorned with every " grace, recommends religion as the moft honourable and amiable qua– " lity, even to thofe who are averfe from hearing fermons, and apt "to defpife ferious inftruct.ions and excitations to be religious. We "humbly