Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. XII. The HIS T 0 RY of the PuRITANs;, Dr. Stillingjleet, '(illotjon, Sharp, Aldridge, Hall, Montague, Beveridge, Alflon, Scot, Grove, T heir commiffion was as follows; Dr. Patrick, Meggot, Kidder, Jane, Beaumont, Goodman, Batteb·, <fennifon, Fowler, Wil/iams. 8ox King William and vueen Mary. r68g. ~ " Whereas the particular forms of divine wodhip, and the rites and.'lheirpowm; •• ceremonies appointed to be ufed therein, being things in their own " nature indifferent and alterable, and fo acknowledged, it is but rea- " fonable that upon weighty and important confiderations, according to " the various exigencies of times and occafions, fuch changes and al- " terations lhould be made therein, as to thofe that are in place and '' authority, lhould from time to time, feem either neceffary or expe- " client." " And whereas the book if canons is fit to be reviewed, and made " more fuitable to the fiate of the church ; and whereas there are de– ,, feels and abufes in the eccleftajlical courts and jurifdictions; and par– " ticularly, there is not fufl1cient proviiion made for the removing of " fcandal ous minirl:ers, and for the reforming of manners, either in mi– ce nifiers or people. And whereas it is mofi fit, that there lhould be a " firict method prefcribed, for the examination of fuch perfons as de– " fire to to be admitted into holy orders, both as to their learning and " manners." " We therefore, out of our pious and princely care for the good or– " der, edification, and unity of the chu rch of England, committed to " our charge and care, and for the reconciling as much as is poffible of " all differences among our good fubjeCts, and to take away all occa– " lion of the like for the future, have thought fit to authorize you, " &c. or a,ny nine of you, whereof three to be bilhops, to meet from " time to time, as often as lhall be needful, and to prepare foch a/tera– " tions if the liturgy and canom, and ) itch propqfals for the riformation " if the ecclejiqfiical courts; and to confider of fuch other matters VoL. II. 5 K "as