Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

·8o8 The HIS T 0 R Y of :the PuRITANS.' VoL H. King no perfon in the lean: office in the cuftoms, excije, or common-council, &c. ·William Id h d f · h .,r; B h cou ever enter t e oars o a meetmg- Otf;e. ut t e reader may peaud queen Mary. rule the aB: at large in the Appendix. 1689. In the !aft year of queen Anne, the toleration was further flraitened by ~an aa to prevent the growth offcbijin; for with thefe gentlemen, all N~:e~. · dffj"enters are fchifmatics; and in order to prevent their increafe, the edu– 'The fchifm cation of their children was taken out of the hands of their friends, and bill. intrufl:ed only with fuch, who were full and and entire conformijls. And Repeahd by 1:ing George I. if any fchool-mafl:er or tutor lhould be willingly prefent at any co/Jven– ticle of di.J!entcrs for religious worjhip, he was to fuffer three months imprifonment, and be difqualified, as above, from teaching fchool for the future. The aB: was to take place Augz!fl I, 1714, the very dav the queen died ; but his late majefly king George I. being fully fatisfied that thefe hardfhips were brought upon the d:!Jmters, for their fl:eady ad– herence to the proteftant Jucce/Ji'on in his illufl:rious houfe, againfl: a tory and jacobite mimjlry, who were paving the way for a popilh pretender, procured the repeal of them in the fifth year of his reign. The lafl: mentioned aB:, with the repeal, is inferted in the Appendix, together with a claufe which forbids the mayor, or other magiftrate, to go into any meeting for religious worjhip with the enjigns o/ his office. Many of the ejeB:ed Jninifl:er:s of I 662, and others, furvived the re– ,volution, and made a con1iderable figure in the reigns of king W I LLIAM .and queen MAR¥. As, Dijfenting The Rev. WilliamBatesD.D. rninijlerswho Obad. Gre~u D.D. The Rev. Mr. Jof. Hill B.D. Mr. Rob. Bragge, Mr. Matth. Mead, furvive~ the Sam. Annejly D.D. .rev.lutzon. ''~ h a' 11 . DD J o n o zngs . • Mr. Richard Baxter, Mr. Vincent A/fop M.A. Mr. John Howe M.A. Mr. 'Thomas Doo!ittle M.A. Mr. Phi!. and Matth. Henry M.A. Mr. John Flave/, MrMatthewBarkerM.A. Mr. George Cockayne, Mr. John Fa/do, Mr. William Lorimer M.A. Mr. 'Ihomas Gilbert B.D. Mr. J ames Forbes M.A. Mr. 'Thomas Co/e M.A. Mr.George Grijfith M.A. Mr. Nath. Mather, Mr. Edward Veal, Mr. Jobn f0jick, Mr. Nathaniel Vincent M.A. Mr. RichardStretton M.A. Mr. George Hammond M.A. Mr. Richard Kentijh, Mr.