Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. XII. The HIS T 0 R Y of tbe PuRITANs. 809 Mr. Henry Newcom~ The Rev. Mr. Sam. Slater M.A. King M A Daniel Williams D.D. William • • and queen Mr. Matth. Sylvefler, Mr.John SpademanM.A. Mary. Mr. Chrijl. Nejfe M. A. Mr. Robert B illio, 168g. Mr. John Humphreys Mr. Richard Steele M.A. ~' M. A. Mr. Nath. Taylor, Mr. Rich Mayo, Mr. Rob. Fleming M. A. Mr, Matth. Clarke fen. Mr. Dan. Burgefs, !faac Chauncey D.D. Mr. James Owen, &c. Thefe and others who deferve an honourable mention, were learned and ufeful men, and mofl: of them popuLtr preachers, ferviceable to the fo– cieties for reformation of manners, and eminent confe/fors in the catije if liberty and fcriptural religion; but their deaths not happening·within the compafs of this work, I muft leave them to l;>e remembered by the hif– torians of after times. VoL. 11. sL A PP EN-