( 8zo ] A p p E N D I X. Numb. I. ARTICLES THE Of the Church of Englmzd. Revifed and altered by the a.lfem– bly qf divines at Wejlmil'!fler, in the year 1643, with fcrip– ture references. ARTICLE I. Of faith in the holy trinity. ARTICLES Of the Cburcb of England. ARTICLE l; Offaith in the holy trinity. T H E R E is but one • living T H E R E is but one living • Ifa. 46. 9· and true God b everlall:ing< and true God, everlafl:ing, .I Cor. 8. 4• . h b d d' J:r. .' • h b d J:r. 6 • b Jer. 10 • Wit out o y, parts , or pauJons , Wit out o y, parts, or pauwns; 10. 1 Thef. of infinite power f, wifdom g' and of infinite power, wifdom, and 1. 9· < Pfal. goodnefsh; the maker and prefergoodnefs, the maker, and prefer– n: ~lom. yer. of all things ~oth ~ifible and ver of all things, both vifible and Deu. 4 . 15. mv1fible '. And 1n umty of this invifible. And in unity of this 16. Joh. 4· godhead, there be three perfons of godhead there be three perfons, of L 2 4•kwith one fubftance, power, and eternione fubfl:ance, power, and eterniu e24. 39· h F h h h h • Acls 14 • ty; t e at er, t e Son, and the ty, the Father, t e Son, and t e 15. Jam. 1. Holy Ghofl: k. Holy Ghofl:. 17 • fJer. . . 32. 17, 27. Mar. 10. 27. &Pfal 147· 5· Rom. II. 33• hPfal. 119. 68. with Mat. 19. 17. iNeh. 9· 6. Col,x. 16, 17. k Mat. 3· 16, 17. Chap. 28, 19. 1John 4· 7· 2 Cor, 13. 14. ARTICLE