Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. 8II Articles revijed. ARTICLE II. Of the Word, or Son if God, which ~vas made very man. The Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlall:– ing of t~e Father I, the very m and eternal God ", of one fubll:ance with theFather 0 , took man's nature in the womb of the ble!fed virgin, of her fubllance P; fo that two whole and perfetl: natures, that is to fay, the godhead and the man– hood, were joined together in one perfon, never to be divided, where– of is one Chrill:, very God and ve– ry man\ who for our fakes truly fuffered moll: grievous torments in l1is foul from God', was crucified, dead, and buried r, to reconcile his Father to us', and to be a facrifice, not only for original guilt, but alfo for actual fins of men". Articles if the Ch. if England. ARTICLE II. Of the Word, or Son if God, which •was made very man. The Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlall:- ing of the Father, the very and e-I Prov. 8. ternal God, of one fubll:ance with 22-3I. the Father, took man's nature in Joh. I· 1 12 • 1 1 b f I bl rr. d . . f 14. m I 0 J, t 1e worn o t le .eue v1rgm, o 5 . 20. Rom. her fubil::)nce; fo that two whole9· 5· n .Job. and perfetl: natures, that is to fay,the 1·7· 5· Heb. dh d d h d . I. 8. With go ea an man oo , were joyn- Pfal 45 . 6. ed together in one perfon, never too John ,o. be divided whereof is one Chrill: 30. Heb. r. G d ' d h ' 3· P John very o an very .man, w o truly r. 14 . Ha. fuffered, was crucified, dead, and 7· 14. Luke buried, to reconcile his Father to I. 35· Gal. us, and to be a facrifice not only for 4· 4· q Etah. . . I '1 b Jr c 1 l· 14• Wi ongll1a gu1 t, ut a 10 !Of a I actual Mat. r. 2 3 . fins of men. Rom. r. 3, 4· Heb. 13, Mark 14. 33, 34· f I Pet. 2. 24. Phi!. 2. I. 1 Cor. I5. 3, 4• 5· 12. u Ifa. 53· to. Eph. 5· 2. I John r. 7· Heb. 9· 26. 8. r !fa. 53· IO, I I. 'Ezek. 16. 63. Rom, 3· 25. 2 Cor, A R T I CL E Ill. As Chrill: died for us, and was bUI ied, fo it is to be believed that he continued in the ftate of the dead, and under the power and do– minion of death'", from the time of his death and burial until his re– furrection x; which bath be~n o– therwife exprelfed thus, he went dow1z into h~fl. A R T I C L E III. Of the going down if Chrijl into · Hell. As·Chrill: died for- us, and was buried : So alfo is it to be believed w Pfal I6; h h d . H ll ro. With t at e went own 10to . e , ACls 2. 2 4 , 25, 26, 27, 31. •Rom, 6. q. Mat, 12. 40· 5 L 2 AR.