Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

8I:Z APPENDIX. ARTICLE IV. Of the refurref!ion qf Cbrift. Chriil: did truly rife again from death r, and took again his body, with fldh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfeClion of r 1Cor. 15. man's nature •, wherewith he af4· Ram. 8. cended into heaven and there fitPC: I 16 ' 3 4 · ~,'h • teth •, until he return to judge ball 10. Wl, • f Acts 2. 31. men cat the general refnrrecbon o Luke 24. the body at the !aft day d, ARTICLE IV. Of the refurreClion of Cbrijl. Chril1: did truly rife again from death, and took again his body, with fle£h, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfeCJ:ion of man's nature, wherewith he af– cended into heaven, and there fit– teth, until he return to judge all men at the !ail: day. 34 . • Luke 24. 39· with . . John20. 25, 27. • P(al 68. 18. With Eph. 4· 8. Pfal 110. r. With Ach 2. 34, 35· Mar, Il). 10. Rom; l!. 34· hActs 3·. 21. Pfal. 110. 1. with 1Cor. 15. 25, 26. Aas 1. 11. c 2Cor. 5· io. Aas '7· 3'· dExod. 3• 6. With Luke 20, 37• 38. ACl; 24- q, 15. 1 Cor. 15. 12. to the end: Johns. 28, 29. ARTICLE V. Of the Holy Gbojl. The Holy Ghofl: is very and e– c 2 Sam. 23. ternal God, of one fubil:ance e, ma2. with jeil:y r, and glory with the Father verfe 3· Ifa. and the Son s, proceeding from the 6 • 5 • &. F h d h S h with Aas at er an t e on . 28. 25. ARTICLE V. Of the H;ly Gho/l. The Holy Ghoft, proceeding from the Father and the Son, is of one fubfl:ance, majefl:y and glory, with the Father. and the Son, very and eternal God, ACls 5· 3, 4• I Cor. 3· 16. I Cor. 6. 19. f Job 26. 13. Job 33· 4· I Cor. 12th Chap. Mat. 28. 19. 2 Cor. 13. I4. g r Cor, n. II. Eph. I. I]. and 1 Cor 2. 8. with 1 Pet. 4· 14. h John 15 . 26. Mat. Io. 20. and I Cor. 2. II, 12. with Gal.4. 6. and Rom. 8. 9· and Phi], 1. 9· John I6. 14. lfa. 11, 2, lfa,6r. 1. Gen. 1. 2. 2Chron, 15. 1, ARTICLE VI. Of the fi!lficiency if the holy flrip– tures }or falvation. ARTICLE VI. Of the fofjiciency if the holy (crip– 'i tures for jalvation. i Rom. 1 , 2 , Holy fcripture i containeth all Holy feripture containeth· all • Tim. 3· things necelfary to falvation k, fa things necelfary to falvation ; fo , ;. 2 Pet. > zo, 21, kPfal. 19. 7· 2 Tim. 3· 15, r6, 17. Jam, z. zr. 25. Aas 20, 32, that