/.l'P' P END IX. Articles revifed. that whatfoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be believed as an article of faith, or necdfary to falvation 1 • By the name of holy fcripture we underlland 'all the canonical books of the old and new tefia– ment, which follow, Of the old te)la- Of the new tejlament, mmt, Genelis, 'The gqjpel qf St' Exodu·s, &c. Matthew, &c. All which books, as they are commonly received, we do receive, and acknowledge them to be given by the infpiration of God, and in that regard, to be of moll: certain credit, and higheil: authority. ARTICLE VII. Of the old tdfament. The old teil:ament is not contra– ry to the new, in the doctrine con– tained in them m ; for both in the Articles qf the church qf England. that whatfoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it thould be believed as an article of I Prov. 30. the faith, or be thought requifite or 5, 6. Ifa. 8: neceifary to falv~tion. In the name~~: ~~t 26 ' of the holy fcnpture, we do un- ver. 20, 27. derlland thofe canonical books ofGal. 1. 8, 9• the old and new tellament, of Joh. 5· 39· whofe authority was never any. doubt in the church, Of the names and number if the canonical books. Genelis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, &c. And the other books (as Hie– rome faith), the church doth read for example of life and infiruction of manners; but yet cloth it not apply them to eftablilh any doc– trine: Such are thefe following, 'Third of Efdras, Book if Tobias, Fourtbq[Efdras, Judith, &c. All the books of the new tefia– ment, as they are commonly re– ceived, we do receive, and account them for canonical. ARTICLE VII. Of the old tejlament. The old teftament is not contra. ry to the new ; for both in the old and new teftament, everlafting life mACls 2 6, 2 P~t. 3· 2, Luke 24. 44· Rom. 3· 3r. Gal, 3, 2r, 23, 24,. 2r, 23. old