8q. APPENDIX. , Articles revifed. old and ne\V tefl:ament, everlafl:ing n Gen. 3· rs .life is offered to mankind by Chrift", Gen. 22. r8. who is the only mediator between with Gal. 3· 0 d d o b · b h 0 d 8~ I 4 . 1 Cor. o an man , emg ot o 1 o. 2, 3 , 4· and man P. Wherefore they are Luke r. 69, not to be heard, which feign, that 70. ~~as 3· the old fathers did look only for 24. 'a·S3· ·r chap. o Dan. temporary proml!es \ 9 . 17. Rom. Although the law given from 8. 34· 1 Joh. God by Mqfes, as touching cere– ~· 1'. 1~~~. monies and rites, do not bind chrif– -~-. 2 J. John tians '; nor the civil precepts given 14. 6. P Gal. by Mofes, fuch as were peculiarly 4· 4> 85· l~~s fitted to the commonwealth of the 20. 2 . ,, . . f m b . 2 • 7 , 8. JeWS, are o nece Ity to e recelvq Aas 26. 6, ed in any commonwealth r; yet 7. Ro,m· 4· notwithfl:anding. no chriftan man ~~·r-~~~· ;~. whatfoever is free frbm the obedi1o, r6, 35· ence of the commandments which r Gal 4· 9, are called moral'. By the moral 10 • Col. 2 • law we underfl:and alhhe ten com14, I6, 17. 'd k . 1 . fi 11 Heb. 9 . 9 , man ments ta ·en m t 1e1r u ex1o. tent. Articles qf the church if England. js offered to mankind by Chriil:' who is the only mediator between God and man, being both God and man. Wherefore they are not to be heard wliich fain that the old fa– thers did look only for tranfitory promifes. Although the law given from G 0 D by Mqfes, as touch– ing ceremonies and rites, do not bind chriftian men, nor the civil precepts thereof ought of neceili– ty to be received in any common– wealth ; yet notwithflanding, no chriftian man whatfoever is free from the obedience of the com– mandments which are .called moral. f Aets25·9• . IO· 25 . with Deut. 17.8- 13. Rom. I3· I, 5· T1t. 3• I. I Pet. 2. 13, 14· ,Mat. 5· 17, totheend. Rom. 13 . 8. 9 , ro, Eph. 6. r, 2, 3· Jam. 2. 8, 9, IO, II, 12. Rom. 7· 25. Rom. 3· 31. Mat. '7· 12. ARTICLE VIII. Of the three creeds. The three creeds, Nice creed, Atbanqfius creed, and that which is commonly called the apof11es creed, ought thoroughly to be received and believed : for they may be proved by mofl: certain warrants of holy fcripture. A R-