Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. 815 ARTICLE IX. Of original or birth jin. Original fin " fiandeth not in the following of Adam, as the pelagi– ans do vainly talk w; but together with his firfl: lin imputed X, it is the fault and corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is pro– pagated from Adam; whereby man is wholly deprived of original righ teoufncfs Y, and is of his own nature inclined only to evil z. So that the lu!l: of the fielh, called in greek (/Jg6v'7fl'" rragJtdq, which fome do expound the wifdom, fome fen– fuality, fome the affeCtion, fome the deli re of the fielh, is not fub– jeet to the law of God •, and there– fore in every perfon born into this world it deferveth God's wrath and damnation b. And this infeCtion of nature doth remail), yea in them that are regenerate', whereby the flelh lufl:eth always contrary to the fpirit d. And although there is no condemnation for them that are re– generate, and do believe ', yet the apofl:le doth confefs, that concu– pifcence and lull: -is truly ai1d pro– p~rly fin r. ARTICLE X. Of free ~vi!!. The condition of man after the fall of Adam is fuch, that he can– not turn or prepare himfelf, by his own natural fl:rength and good AR TI CE IX.· Of original or birth fin. Original lin fl:andeth not in the uPfal. sr. s.; following ofAdam (as thepelagiansJoh. 3· s, 6. d . I lk) b . . h .f: I w Job 14. 4· o vam y ta , ut It IS t e au !Job. 15 • 14 • and corruption of the nature of e- Rom. 6. 6. very man, that naturally is engen- Joh. 3· 3•5• dered of the offsp-ring of Adam, ~: I: ~0:9. whereby man is very far gone fi·om Gen. 2. 17. original righteouii1efs, and is of his w1th I Cor. I. d 'I r h •5· 22. own nature enc me to ev1 , 10 t at y Col. 2 . 13 • the fielh lufl:eth always contrary to Rom. 7· 18, the fpirit, and therefore in every Eccl. 7· 29. perfon born into this world, it defer- zGGen· 8 6 · 5· h G d ' h d . en.. 21. vet o s wrat an damnatiOn, ]er. , 7 , 9 • And this infeCtion of nature cloth Rom. 7· 8. remain, yea in them that are rege- !~mes 1 8 14.;' nerated, whereby the lull: of the 1 c~~·2• ·.t flea1, called ·ingreek(/Jgbv'Jf-X rrxp:<.dq, Col. 1. 2r. which fome do expound the wif- bEph. 2 • 3· d i( i( ( I' {( h f. Rom. 8. 6, 7 • om, ome en ua.Jty, ome t ea - c Prov. 20 , 9 • feCI:ion, fome the de lire of the flelh, Rom, 7· 17, is not fubjeCl: to the law. of G 0 D. 2o, 23, 25. And although there is no conclem- ~ RGo" 1,· 5 8 · 17· 11. • r, nation for them that believe and are 13. John 3· bap:izc<,l, yet the apofl:le cloth con- f3· fRom. fefs, that concupi!cence and lufl:. 8 • 17• 20 • bath of itfelf the nature of tin. ARTICLE X. Of free will. The condition of man after the fall of Adam is fuch, that he cannot turn and prepare himfelf by his own nawral fl:rength and good ~orks, to works,