Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX.· Articles revifed. works, to faith and calling upon s Eph. 2 . 1. God g ; wherefore we have no pow5 · 1 Cor. 2. er to ·do good works pleafing and 14· Eph. 2 · acceptable to God h without the J~l{.; ~~44, grace of God by Ch'rifi:, both pre6s. hRom. venting us, that we may have a 8. 8. Heb. good will, and working fo effectu1 I . 6 · Jl ' b . d . th ; Exek. I r. a y m us, as t at 1t etermme 19, 20. our will to that which is good i, Ezek. 36. and alfo working with us when we 26 • 2 7· Jer. have that will unto oood k, Articles if the church if England. faith and calling upon God. Where– fore we have no power to do good works pleafant and acceptable to God, without the grace .of God by Cbrifi: preventing us, that we may have a good-will, and working with us, when we have that good– will. 31 · 32 • 33· b with Heb. 10, JI . Phi!. 2 . 12, I3. John 6. 45 · Eph. r. 19, 20. I Cor. 4· 7· 8. I. 6. Heb. 12. 22. rPet. 5· IC· I The!f. 5· 23, 2 4 . l K ings 8. 57• sS. ARTICLE XI. Of the jl!flification of man bifore God. We are juf1ified, that is, we are accounted righteous before God, I Rom. 4· 5, and have remiffion of fins 1 , not 6, 7· Ptal. for, nor by our own works or de32 · I, 2 · fervings m but freely by his graCe n mRom 3 ~ ' 20 . G~l. · 2 . only for our Lord and Saviour Jefus x6. Gal. 3. Chrifi:'s fake o, his whole obedience Io, n . Phi!. and fatisfaction being by God im– ~: ~~."R~:-puted unto us P, and Chrifi. with his 3· 7.' 0 Rom. righteoufnefs, being apprehended 3· 24, 25. and refi:ed on by faith only q. The Rocm . 5· 5 L doctrine of J'ufiification by faith on2 or. . . . 1 8, I 9 . ly, IS an wholefome doctnne, and P Rem. 5· very full of comfort', notwith9• .x{Z IB, fianding God doth not forgive them ~~~ z6~~~~ that are impenitent, and go on fi:ill 4· 6. 24. in their trefpaffes r. ARTICLE XI. Of the jl!flijication if man. We are accounted righteous be– fore G 0 D, only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrifi:, by faith, and not for our own works or defervings. Wherefore, that we are juftified by faith only is a mofi: wholefome doctrine, and very full of comfort, as more large– ly is expre!fed in the homily of jufiification. 2 Cor. 5· 2r. q Rom3· 22, 25, 26, 28, Gal. 2. 16. Ifa. 28. I6. with Rom. 9· 33· and I Pet. 2. 6. Phil. 3· 9• r 2 Tim. l . ·I3. Rom, 5· I, 2, 8, I I. Rom. IS· I3· I Pet. 1. 8. f Pfal. 68. 20, 21. Exod, 34· 6, 7• Luke I 3· 3• 5· A R-