Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

.A P P E N D I X. ' AR T ·1 C L E XII. Of good works. Good works 1 which are the fruits of fi1ith ', and follow after jullifi– cation ", cannot put away our fins w, and endure the feverity of God's judgment; yet are they, notwith– fiaodiog their imperfeCtions X, in the fight of God pleafJng and ac– ceptable unto him in and for Chrill Y, and do fpring out neceifarily of a true and lively faith •, infomuch that by them a lively faith may be evidently known, as a tree difcern– ed by the fruits •. A R T I C L E XII. Of good works. Albeit that good works, which, Gal, 5 • 6. are the fruits of faith, and follow James 2. r7, after jullification, cannot put away r8. 22. our fins, and endure thefeverity of":{;'tt: ;.·;;= God's judgment, yet are they plea- 8. Eph.2. fing and acceptable to G od in Chrifl, 8, 9· r8. and do fpring out neceifarily of a; Rom. 3: true and lively faith, -infomuch that R~'O:.I~. 4 by them a lively faith may be as evi-- 9· Dau. de oily known as a tree difcerned by7N·ISh, 19· h £ . e. 13. t e rutt. 22. Pfal.t43· 2 . Job. g. 14, IS, rg, 20. Exod. 28. 38. Rev. 8. 3, 4· YI Pet. 2. 5· Heb, 13. r6, 20, 2I. Col. I. ro. Phil. 4· I8. • James 2. 16. r.John r. 4· a James 2. r8, Ig. John rs. 4> 5· I John 2. 3· 5· Mat. 12. 33· A R TIC L E XIII. Of works before juflification. Works done before jufiifica– tion by Chrifi, and regellera– tion by his fpirit, are not pleafing unto God h, for as much as they fpriog not of faith in Jefus Chrifi c; J;Jeither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the fchool au– thors fay), deferve grace of con– gruity ; yea rather, for that they are uot done as God bath willed and commanded them to be done, they are finful d, A R T I CL E XIII. Of 'Works before_}ufliftcation. Works done before the grace of Chrifi, and the infpiration of his fpirit, are not pleafant to G 0 D, for as much as they fpring not ofb T -it. 1 , IS faith in Jefus Chriil, neither do r6. Mat. 7 .' they make men meet to receive I8. R.orn. 8. grace, or (as the fchool ~uthors fay ),g; 2~:0r;r~~: deferve grace of congruity; yea ra-2r. 2 7 . ther, for that they are not done asRom. 3· I2, GOD bath willed and commanded< Heb. rr. 5, h b d 6. Gal. 5· t em to e one, we doubt not but6, d2 Tim. they have the nature of fin. r. 9· ]oh; r. 8. 7• 8. Hag. 2. If. !fa. s8. I-S· lfa. 66. 2, 3· IJ. . Rom, VoL. II. sM A R-