8x8 APPENDIX. A R TI CL E . XIV. Qf works of Jupererogation. Voluntary works, befides over and above God's commandments, which they call works qfjitperero– f Mat. 5.· 48. gation, cannot be taug_ht f without Mar. ~2. 30, arrogancy and impiety g ; for by 3 r. l htl. 4· them men do declare, that they do ll, 9· g J ob I .l G d h 9 . 2, 3 , 20, not oo y renu.er unto o as muc 2r: Pial. as they are bound to do ; but that 143· 2·.P~ov. they do more for his fake than of 20. 9· I ht!. b d d . . d h 3 . 8-rs. ou~ e.n u.ty IS re_qUJre ; w ere- . as Chnft fatth plamly, when )'OU have done all thoft things that are commanded you, .fay, we are unprofitable /ervants, we have done that h Lu:ke. 17. which was our duty to doh, 10. withvctr, 7,8,. g.~ ARTICLE XV. Of Chrifl alone without .fin. Chrift in the truth of our nature was made like unto us in all things, i!fa. 53· 3• fin o_nly excepted ;, from which he 4, 5· Heb. was clearly'void both in his flelb and 2 · 1 7· with in his iipirit k: He came to be the Heb. 5· 15. kl,uke 1. iambwithout fpot 1 , whoby facrifice 35· with of himfelf m. once made", lbould ACl:s 3· 14· takeaway the fins of the world 0 ; John 14. 30. h (: . h 2 Cor. 5'· zr. and fin (as St. J,a n alt ), was not Meb. 7· 26. in him P, But all we the reft, al1 xPet. I. 19· though baptized and regenerate, yet mEph. 5· 2 . a:. d . h' d if n Heb. 9 . 2 6, ouen Ill rna,ny t mgs; an t we 28. Heb. Jo .foy we have no.fin, ~e dec~i·ve .our-– w, Iz. o J oh'feJves, and the truth ts not m us \ J., :!9.P1}oh. J· 5· q.Jam. 3· 2. I Joh. I. 8, 10. A R T I CLE XIV. Of works if fupererogation: Voluntary works, beGdes over and above God's commandments, which they call works of fupererogation, cannot be taught without arrogan– ey and impiety. For by them men do declare, that they do not only render unto God, as much as they are bound to do, but that they do more for his fake than of bounden duty is required ; whereas Chr-ift faith plainly, when ye have done all that are commanded to you, fay, we be unprofitable fervants. ARTICLE XV. Of Cbri.fl alone without .fin. Chrilt in the truth of our nature, was made like unto us in all things (fin only except), from which he was clearly void, both in his flefh and in his fpirit. He came to be a L amb without fpot, who by facri– fice 0f himfelf once made, lbould take away the fins of the world; and tin (as St. John fai1h ), was not in him. But all we the reft (although baptized, and born again in Chrift), yet 0ffend in many things.;. and ifwe fay we have no fia we deceive our– felves, and the t-ruth is not in us. Charles Herl.e,. pxolocutor;. }Ienry Robor,o.ugh, Jcriba.: Adoni(ain Byfield, fcriba. N. B. 'Jhe affembly proceeded no jarthe1· in the revifal. Numb.