[ 819 ] Numb. 11. ' THE D I R E c T 0 R y FOR THE P u B L r c Wo R s H r P of G 0 D, Agreed upon by the affembly of divines at -'P'o/1min.fter; examined and approved, Anno 164-5, by the G E N R R A L A S S E M B L Y of the CHURCH of S C 0 T L A N D ; and ratified by act of par– liament the fame year. The P R E F A. . C E. .IN the beginning if the. bldfed riformation, our wife and pi~~s ancljlors took care to fit forth an order for redrefs if many tf;ings, which they then, by the word, difco7Jered to be vain, erroneous, Juperjlitious, and idolatrous, in t.he public worjhip . of God. 'Ibis occqjion– ed many godly and learned mm to rdoice much in 'the book if comri)oQ– prayer, at tbat time Jet forrb; 'becazife the mafs, and the rejl if the la.tin fervice being removed, the public worjhip was celebrated in our own ·tongue; 5 M 2 · ·· · ma1zy