Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. prayer, with which our Lord Jefus Chrifl: pleqfeth to furnifb all his .ftr– vants, whom he calls to that office: So on the other.fide it bath been (and ever ~vou!d be, if continued), a matter qf endlefs Jlnle and contention in the church, and a fnare both to many godly and faitlful minijlers, who have ban perfecuted and ji/enced upon that occqjion, and to others if hopeful parts, many of qe•bicb l•ave been, and more Jlill would be diverted from all thougbts qf the minijll)' to other fludies; ~jpecially in theje later times, wbere– in God voucbjafeth to his people more and better means for the dijcovery of error and Juperjlition, ana for attaining of knowledge in the myjleries of godlinejs, and gifts in preacbing and pra)'er. Upon theft, and many the like weighty conjideratiom, in rifermce to the u·hole book in general, and becaufe of divers particulars contained iiz it ; not from any love to no~1elty, or intmtion to difparage our jirjl reformers, (ij whom we are perfitaded, that, were tbey now alive, the)' would join with us in this work, a11d whom we acknowledge as excellent inflruments, raifed ~V God, to begin the purging and building of his .houfe, and &fire they may be bad qf us and pojlerity in everlajting remembrance, 1vith thanijul11ejs and honour;) but that we may, in jome meafiwe, anfwer tbe gracious provi– dence oJ God, which at this time calleth upon us for further reformation, and may jatis!j our own co1?fcimces, and al!fwer the expectation oj- other re– formed churches, and the dtjires qf many of the godly among ourfelves, and withal give fome public trjtimony of our endeavours fir uniformity in di– vine 7vorjbip, 7vhich we have promijed in our folenm league and covenant: fYe have, after rarnlji and frequent calling upon the name qf God, andqj: ter much conjultati011, not with Jlefo and blood, but with his holy word, r<-· Joh,ed to lay qjide the former liturg)', with the many rites and ceremonifs form~rly ujed in the worjhip of God; and bave agreed upon this following· director)' for all the parts qf public worfoip, at ordinary and extraordina– ry times. Wherein our care bath been, to hold forth }itch things m are of'divine· inflitution in every ordinance; and other things we have endeavoured to fit forth according to the rules of chrijlian prudence,_agreeable to the general rules of the 7cord of God: Our meaning. therein being only, that the gene– r-al heads, the fenfe and }cope of the prayers, and other parts of public wor-- -j};ip, being known to all, there may be a corifimt of all tbe churches, i1z thife things that contain the jubjlance of the fervice and qoorfhip of God; and the mimjlers may be hereby directed in their adminiflrations, to joundnefi in doctrine and prayer ; and may, if need be, haveJome help and furniture; and yet Jo, as they become 11ot hereby jlotlful and negligent, iiZ' jJirring up the gifts of Chrijl in them; but, that each one, by meditation, by. 82r