Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX. by_taking ·h:ad to himfe!fand. t~e flock of God committed to · him, and by ~vife objervmg the ways '![ dzvme provzdence, may be careful to ji1rnijh his heart and tongue with jiwther, or other materials of prayer and'![ exhorta– tion, m jhall be needful upon all occqjions: Of the qfJembli!Jg '![ the congregation, and their behaviour i1z the public wotjhip '![ God. W H E N the congregation is to meet for public worlhip, the peo– ple (having before prepared their hearts thereunto), ought all to come, and .join therein ; not . abfenting .themfelves from the public ordinances through negligence, or upon pretence of private meet– ings. Let all enter the affembly, not irreverently, but in a grave and feemly manner, taking their feats or places without adoration, or bowing them– felves tow<trds one place or other. The congregation being affembled, the minifter, after folemn calling on them to t4e worlhipping of the great name of God, is to begin with prayer. ' " In all reverence and ·humility acknowledging the incomprehenfible " greatnefs and majefl:y of the Lord, (in whofe prefence they do then " in a fpecial manner appear), and their own vilenefs and unworthinefs " to approach fo near him, with their utter inability of themfelvcs to " fo great a work; and humbly befeeching him for pardon, affiftance " and acceptance, in the whole fervice then to be performed; and for a " bleffing on that particular portion of his word then to be read: And ' " all in the name and mediation of the Lord Jefus Chrift." The public worlhip being begun, the people are wholly to attend upon · it, forbearing to read any thing, except what the minifter is then reading or citing; and abftaining much more from all private whifperings, con– ferences, falutations, or doing reverence to any perfons prefent, or coming in; as alfo from all gazing, fleeping, and other indecent behaviour, which may difturb the minifter or people, or hinder tbemfelves and o– thers in the fervice of God. . If any, through neceffity, be hinder'ed from being prefent at the be– ginning, they ought not, when they come int~ the congregation, to be– take themfelves to their private J,levotions, but reverently to compofe them– felves to join with the aflembly, in that ordinance of God ·which is then in hand. · Of