AP FEND IX. mourn in fenfe thereof before the Lord, and hunger and thirll: after the grace of God in Jefus Chrifl:, by proceeding to a more full confdlion of fin, with lhame and holy confufion of face, and to call upon the l .ord to this effeet; , - ' . · " To acknowledge our great finft!lnefs; firfl, by reafon of original fin. " ~hich (be!ide the guilt that make$ us liable to eve:Iafiing damnation), " JS the feed of all other fins, hath depraved and p01foned-all the facu1- " ties and powers of foul and body, cloth de6le our bell: aetions, and " (were it not rell:rained, or our hearts renewed by grace),' would break '' forth into innumerable tranfgrellions, and greatell: rtbellions againfl the '' Lord, that ever were committed by the vilell: of the fons of men. And, " rzext, by reafon of aCtual fins, our own fins, the fins of magillrates, " of minill:ers, and of the whole nation, unto which we are many " ways acceifary: Which fins of ours receive many fearful aggravations, " we having broken all the commandments of. the holy, jul1, and good " law of God, doing that which is forl>iddeiJ, and leaving undone what " is enjoined; and that not only out of ignorance and infirmity, but al– " fo more prefumptuoufly, againfl: the light of our minds, checks of our " confciences, and motiqns ofrhis own holy fpirit to the contrary, fo . " thlat-we have- no cloke for our fins ; yea, not only defpifing the riches " of God's goodpefs, forbearance, and long-fuffering, but ll:anding out " againll: many invitations and offers of grace in the gofpel; not eHdea– " vouring, as we ought, to receive Chrifl: into our hearts by faith, or to " walk worthy of lrim in our lives. " To bewail our blindnefs of mind, . hardn~fs of heart, unbelief, im– « penitency, fecurity, lukewarmnefs, barrennefs; our not endeavouring " after mortification and newnefs of life; nor after the exercife of god– " linefs in the power thereof: And that the bell: of us have not fo fl:ed– " fall:ly _walked with God, kept our garments fo unfpotted, nor been fo " zealous of his glory, and the good of others, as we ought: And to " mourn over fuch other 'fins, as the <;ongregation is panicuhlrly guilty ·« of, notwithfl:anding the manifold and great mercies of our God, " the love of Chrifl:, the ligh~ of the gofpel; and reformation of rdi– " gion, our own purpofes, promifes, vows, fol·emn covenant, and other " fpecial obligations to the contrary. •· To acknowledge and confefs, that, as we are convinced of our " guilt, fo, out of a deep fen(e thereof, we judge m: rfel ves unworthy " of the fmallefl: benefits, mofl: worthy of God' fiercefl: wrath, and of " all the curfes of the law, and heaviell: judgments inflicted upon the " moll: rebellimrs finners ; and that he might moll: jufl:ly take his king– " dom and gofpel from us, plague us with all foris of fpiritual and tern– " poral judg~nents in thii-life, and after call: us into utter darknefs, in " the