Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

APPENDIX " the lake that burneth with fire and btimfione, where is weeping and " gnalhing of teeth for evermore. " Notwithfianding all which, to draw near to the throne of grace, " encouraging ourfelves with hope of a gracious anfwer of our prayers, " in the riches and all-(ufficiency of that one only oblation, the fatisaetion " and interceflion of the Lord Jefus Chrifl:, at the right hand of his " Father, and our Father; and in confidence of the exceeding great and '' precious ·promifes of mercy and grace in the new covenant, through " the fame mediator thereof. to deprecate the heavy wrath and curfe of " G 0 D, which we are not able to avoid, or bear; and humbly and " earnefl:ly to fupplicate for mercy, in the free and full remiffion of all " our fins, and that only for the bitter fufferings and precious merits of '' our only Saviour Jefus Chrifl:. " That the Lord would voucbfafe to !hed abroad his love in our hearts " by the Holy Ghofl: ; feal unto us, by the fame fpirit of adoption, the " full alfurance of our pardon and reconciliation ; comfort all that mourn " in Zion, fpeak peace to the wounded and troubled fpirit, and bind up " the broken-hearted: And as for fecure and prefurnptuous finners, that •• he would open th~ir eyes, convince their confciences,and turn them from " darknefs unto light, and from the power of fatan unto God, that they '' alfo may receive forgivenefs of fin, and an inheritance among them that " are fanetified by faith in Chrift Jefm. " With remiffion of fins through the blood of Chritl:, to pray for " fanctification by his fpirit; the mortification of fin dwelling in, and " many times tyrannizing over us ; the quickning of our dead fpirits, " with the life of God in Chrift; grace to fit and enable us for all du– " ties of converfation and callings towards God and men; ftrength a– " gainft temptations, the fanctified ufe of bleffings and crolfes, and per– " feverance in faith and obedience unto the end. " To pray for the propagation of the gofpel and kingdom of Chrift " to all nations, for the converfion of the jews, the fulnefs of the gm– " tiles, the fall of antichri(!, and the hafl:ening of the fecond coming '' of our Lord ; for the deliverance of the diflrelfed churches abroad " from the tyran ny of the antichrijtianfat1ion, and ·from the cruel op– " pref!ions and blafphemies of the turk ; for the bleffing of God upon '' all the reformed churches, efpecially upon the churches and kingdoms '' of Scotland, England, at,!d Irelqnd, now more, firiclly and religioufly " united in the jolemn national league and covenant; and for our planta– " tions in the moft remote parts of the world : more particularly for " that church and kingdom whereof we are members, that therein God " would eftablilh peace and truth, th(,. purity of all his oroinances, and " the power of godlinefs; prevent and remove herefy, fchifm, proVoL. II. 5 N " fanenefs,