Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

A P P E N D I X. " fanenefs, fuperfiition, fecurity, and unfruitfulnefs under the 'means of " grace ; heal all our rents and diviilons, and preferve us from breach of ·• our fo!emn covenant. " To pray for all in authority, efpecially for the king's majefiy, that " God would make him rich in bleffings, both in his perfon and govern– cc ment; el1abli!h his throne in religion and righteoufnefs, fave him from " evil counfel, and make him a bleif~d and glorious inftrument, for the cc confervation and propagation of the gofpel, for the encouragement and " proteCtion of them that do well, the terror of all that do evil, and " the great good of the whole church, and of all his kingdoms; for " the converilon of the queen, the religious education of the prince, and " the refl: of the royal feed ; for the comforting the afflicted queen of " Bohemia, filter to our fovereign ; and for the reftitution :1nd el1ablilh– " ment of the illufl:rious prince Charles, eleCtor palatine of the Rhine, '' to all his cjominions and dignities; for a bleffing upon the high cou:t cc of parliament, (when fitting in any of thefe kingdoms refpeCtively), " the nobility, the fubordinate judges and magi11rates, the gentry, and '' all the cornmonalty; for all paftors and teachers, that God would fill cc them with his fpirit, make them exemplarily holy, fober, jufl:, peace– cc able, and gracious in their lives; found, faithful, and powerful in cc their rninifl:ry ; and follow all their labours with abundance of fuccefs " and bletling; and give unto all his people paftors according to his own cc heart; for the univerfities, and all fchools and religious feminaries of cc church and commonwealth, ,that they may flourilh more and more in " learning and piety ; for the particular city or congregation, that God " would pour out a bleffing upon the mini11ry of the word, facraments '' and difcipline, upon the civil government, and all the feveral families " and perfons therein; for mercy to the affi.icted, under any inward or " outward diilrefs. For feafonable weather, and fruitful feafons, as " the time may require; for averting the judgment that we either feel " or fear, or are liable· unto, as famine, pefiilence, the fword, and fuch " like. · · " And, with confidence of his mercy to his whole church. and the cc acceptance of our perfons, throagh the merits and mediation of our '' high priefl: the Lord Jefus, to profefs that it is the defire of our fouls " to have fellowiliip with God, in the reverend and confcionable ufe of " his holy ordinances ; and to that purpofe, to pray earnefily for his •• grace, and effectual aflifiance to the fanclification of his holy fabbath, " the Lord's day, in all the duties thereof,. public and private, both to our– " felves, and to all other congregations of his people, according to the riches– re and excellency of the gofpel, ~his dajl celebraJed and enjoyed. " And