APPENDIX. " And becaufe we have been unprofitable hearers in times pa!t," and " now cannot of ourfelves receive, as we lhould, the deep things of God, " the myfl:eries of Jefus Chrilt, which require a fpiritual difcerning; to " pray, that the Lord, who teacheth to profit, would gracioufly pleafe to " pour out the fpirit of grace, together with the outward means thereof, " cau!ing us to attain fuch a meafure of the excellency of the knowledge " of Chrifl: Jefus our Lord, and in him, of the things which belong to " our peace, that we may account all things but as drofs in comparifon " of him : And that we, tafl:ing the firfl: fruits of the glory that is to be " revealed, may long for a more full and perfect communion with " him, that where he is, we may be alfo, and enjoy the fulnefs of " thofe joys and pleafures which are a~ his right band for evermore, '' More particularly, that God would in fpecial manner furnilh his " fervant (now called to difpenfe the bread of life ·unto his houfuold ), " with wifdom, fidelity, zeal, and utterance, that he . may divide the " word of God aright, to every one his portion, in evidence and de– " monfl:ration of the fpirit and power; and that the Lord would circum– " cife the ears and hearts of the hearers, to hear, love, and receive with " meeknefs, the in grafted word, which is able to fave their fouls; make •• them as good ground to receive in the good feed of the word, and " firengthen them againll the temptations of fatan, tbe cares of the world, " the hardnefs of their own hearts, and whatfoever elfe may hinder their " profitable and faving hearing ; that fo Chrill may be fo formed in them, " and live in them, that all their thoughts may be brought into captivity " to the obedience of Chrift, and their hearts ellablilhed in every good " word and work for ever," We judge this to be a convenient order, in the ordinary public prayers; .Yet fo, as the minifl:er may defer (as in prudence he fhall think meet), fome part of thefe petitions, till after his fermon, or of– fer up to God fome of the thankfgivings hereafter appointed, in his prayer before his fermon. Of the preaching if the word. P R E A C H I N G of the word being the power of God unto fal– vation, and one of the greatefl: and mofl: excellent works belong– ing to the minifl:ry of the gofpel, fhould be fo performed, that the workman need not be athamed, but may fave himfelf, and thofe that hear him. It is prefuppofed (according to the rules for ordination), that the minif– ter of Chrill is in fome good meafure gifted for(o weighty a fervice, by his fkill in the original languages, and in fuch arts and fciences as are handS N 2 · maids