APPENDIX. " in the fame name, of eafe, refi·elhing, and firength, to their weak and " wearied fouls." After this exhoration, warning, and invitation, the table being before decently covered, and fo conveniently placed that the communicants may orderly fit about it, or at it, the minifi:er is to begin the action with fanc– tifyin~ and bleffing the elem.ents of bread and wine fet before him, (the bread w comely and convement veifels, fo prepared, that being broken by him, and given, it may be dil1:ributed amongfi: the communicants: The wine alfo in large cups; ) having firfi: in a few words £hewed that thofe elements, otherwife common, are now fet apart and fanctified :o this holy ufe, by the word of inl1:itution and prayer. Let the words of infi:itution be read out of the evangeli!ls, or out of the firfi: epil1:le of the apollle Paul to the Corinthians, chap. xi. verfe 23, 1 have received if the Lord, &c. to the 27th verfe, which the mi– nifi:er may, when he feeth requiGte, explain and apply. Let the prayer, thankfgiving, or bleiling of the bread and wine, he to this effect ; "w I T H humble and hearty acknowl(jdgment of the greatnefs " of our mifery, from which neither man nor angel was able to " deliver us, and of our great unworthinefs of the leaft of all God's " mercies; to give thanks to God for all his benefits, and efpecially " for that great benefit of our redemption, the love of God the Father, " the fufferings and merits of the Lord Jefus Chrift the Son of God, " by which we are delivered; and for all means of grace, the word " and facraments; and for this facrament in particular, by which Chrifi, " and all his benefits, are applied and fealed up unto us, which, not– .. withftanding the denial of them unto others, are in great mercy con– " tinued unto us, after fo mllch and long abufe of them all. " To profefs, that there is no other name under heaven by which we " can be faved, but the name of Jefus Cluift, by whom alone we re– " ceive liberty and life, have accefs' to the throne of grace, are admitted " to eat and drink at his own table, and are fealed up by his fpirit to an « affurance of happinefs and everlafting life. " Earnefily to pray to God, the Father of allll)ercies, and God of ~· all confolation, to vouchfafe his gracious prefence, and the effectual " working of his fpirit in us, and fo to fanctify thefe elements,. both of « bread and wine, and to blefs his own ordinance, that we may receive,> " by faith, the body and blood of Jefus Chrift crucified for us, and fo " ~o feed upon him, tha~ he may be one witp. us, and we with him; " that