APPENDIX. " that he may live in us, and we in him, and to him, who bath loved " us, and given himfelf for us." All which he is to endeavour to perform with fuitable affeCtions, anfvyerable to fuch an holy aCtion, and to fiir up the like in the people. The elements being now fanEtified by the word and prayer, the mi– nifl:er, being at the table, is to take the br.ead in h is hand, and fay , in thefe expreffions (or other the like, ufed by Chrifi, or his apofile upan this occafion : ) " According to the holy in!l:itution, commalld, and example of our " bleifed Saviour Jefus Chrifl:, I take this bread, and havi ng given thanks, , " I break it, and give it unto you (there the mini!l:er, who is alfo him– " felf to communicate, is to break the bread and give it to the commu– " nicqnts : ) 'Take ye, eat ye; this is the body oJ Chrijl wbich is broken "}or you; do this in remembrance if him." In like manner the minifl:er is to take the cup, and fay, in thefe ex– preffions (or other the like, ufed by Chrifi, or the apofl:le, upon the fame occafion ; ) " According to the inll:itution, command, and example of our Lord '' Jefus Chrill:, I take this cup, and give it unto you (here he givetlr " it to the communicants), this cup is the new tejlatpent in the blood if " Chrijl, which is jhedfor the r.emiJlion qf the fins if many; drink )'e all' " of' it." After aH have communicated, the miniiler may, in a few words, put them in mind, " Of the grace of God, in Jefus Chri!l:, held forth in this facrament ; " and exhort them to walk worthy of it." The minifier is to give folemn thanks to God, " For his rich mercy, and invaluable goodnefs vouclifafed to them, " in that facrament; and to entreat for pardon for the defeCts of the •·' whole fervice, and for the gracious affifl:ance of his good fpirit, . " whereby they may be enabled to walk in the firength of that " grace, as becometh thofe who have received fo great pledges of fa!-– ,, vation." The colleCtion for the poor is fo to be ordered, that no part of the pub-– lic worlhip be thereby hindered,_ TH E